
  1. 他们想保持一份悬疑——他们准备在北京潮人地带三里屯的一家名叫太古里的购物中心,遛这两部苹果手机和那些苹果。

    They wanted to maintain the suspense as they prepared to take the iPhones and apples for a walk at Taikoo Li , a shopping center in the city 's trendy Sanlitun district .

  2. 他的名字叫罗密欧,是蒙太古家里的人,咱们仇家的独子。

    His name is Romeo , and a Montague ; The only son of your great enemy .

  3. 其中一个儿子名叫窝阔台,继承了父位成为蒙古帝国的大汗。他的名字叫罗密欧,是蒙太古家里的人,咱们仇家的独子。

    One of them , called Ogadai , succeeded him as Great Khan of the Mongol Empire . His name is Romeo , and a Montague ; The only son of your great enemy .