
  1. 玻璃红鲤和荷包红鲤起源于单倍型I为主的母系祖先,推算分化时间分别约为5~5.6万年、2万年前。

    Glass red carp and purse red carp would have originated from a maternal ancestors mainly composed of haplotype I , 50-65 thousand and 20 thousand years ago respectively .

  2. 对万安玻璃红鲤的肌肉营养成分分析结果(鲜重百分比)为:蛋白质含量占19.07%,水分78.75%,灰分1.09%。

    The major nutrition compositions in the muscle of Wan ′ an glassy red carp , ( Cyprinus carpio var. Wan ′ anensis ) have been analysed . The muscle consisted of 19.07 % crude protein , 78.75 % moisture and 1.09 % ash .

  3. 结果发现,荷包红鲤的多态位点比例最高(21.05%),瓯江彩鲤和玻璃红鲤相等(15.79%),兴国红鲤最低(10.53%);

    The results indicated : the highest percentage of polymorphic loci resulted in purse red common carp ( 21.05 % ), Oujiang color common carp was equal to glass red common carp ( 15.79 % ), but the lowest was observed in Xingguo red common carp ( 10.53 % );