
  1. 采用扫描电镜(SEM)和X射线能谱分析(EDS)等手段,研究了喷瓷管道用玻璃釉料对碳钢基体的润湿行为。

    The wetting behaviour of glass glaze material of sprayed porcelain pipe on the plain steel was analyzed with a scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) equipped with an energy dispersive spectrum ( EDS ) analysis system .

  2. 喷瓷管道用玻璃釉料润湿行为的研究

    / wetting behaviour of class glaze material of sprayed porcelain pipe

  3. 在金属管道表面利用火焰喷熔耐蚀的玻璃釉料是可行的。

    It is feasible to spray anti-corrosion glass frit using flame on the surface of metallic pipeline .

  4. 喷瓷层与金属的密着是热喷玻璃釉料熔体在基体表面上润湿、铺展和界面反应形成的。

    The bonding layer between the enamel coating and the base metal was formed by means of wetting , spreading and reaction of the molten frit on the metal surface .

  5. 珐琅制品:把一种玻璃质釉料烧附在金属表面作装饰的金属制品。

    Enamelwork : Metal objects decorated with an opaque glaze fused to the surface by intense heat .