
  1. 这件事教给我们的无非就是不是所有的事都要围着你转,如果你是玻璃心,有人会利用这一点。

    The lesson to learn from this is that not everything is about you , and if you 're easily upset , someone will use that to their advantage 。

  2. 适用于松散地层的玻璃钢取心工具

    Glass Steel Coring Tool Applied for Weak Formation

  3. 玻璃钢取心工具是专为提高辽河油田含砾石松散地层取心收获率和岩心完整性而研制的。

    The new coring tool that made of glass fiber reinforced plastic is used to improve the coring recovery and integrity in the loose gravel formation in Liaohe Oilfield .