
  1. 上周,各大石油公司开始公布收入,BP王者归来。

    Now , BP is holding its own during big oil earnings week .

  2. 退休期间,他阅读了很多有关王者归来的图书,例如星巴克(Starbucks)的霍华德•舒尔茨(HowardSchultz)以及史蒂夫•乔布斯(SteveJobs)。

    During retirement he read a lot of books about comeback kings such as Starbucks " Howard Schultz and Steve Jobs .

  3. 相比之下,《指环王》(LordoftheRings)三部曲的票房收入是递增的,最后一部《王者归来》(TheReturnoftheKing)全球票房超过11亿美元。

    To compare , the ' Lord of the Rings ' films made progressively more money , with the final film , ' The Return of the King , ' grossing more than $ 1.1 billion worldwide .

  4. 不过,就在通用汽车在中国和王者归来的大众汽车(Volkswagen)展开较量,竭力维持增长时,它在欧洲的亏损却仍在继续攀升(尽管可能幅度有所放缓)。

    But losses in Europe continue to mount ( though they may have leveled off ) , as GM fights to hold on to its gains in China against a resurgent Volkswagen .

  5. 但是现在,最终,王者归来。

    But now , finally , he 's back .

  6. 国际厂商强势展出世界名牌大放异彩&2006中国国际啤酒、饮料技术展上演王者归来

    Global Brand Leaders Return China Brew & Beverage 2006

  7. 就像一位分析师欢呼的那样:“日本武士已经王者归来!”

    As one analyst gleefully exclaimed , " the Samurais are back ! "

  8. 2008年1月,他王者归来。

    In January of 2008 , he did .

  9. 王者归来:红塔山的品牌复兴

    The King Returns : HONTA Brand Revives

  10. 微软是否会“王者归来”?

    Is Microsoft the ' comeback kid '?

  11. 因为我们都知道,当王者归来的时候,他会带来戒指。

    Because we also know that when the king returns , he will bring us the thing .

  12. 纳斯达克之王者归来

    Kings Returned From NASDAQ

  13. 我们是一家大俱乐部,我确信我们下赛季将王者归来。

    We 're a massive club and I 'm sure we 'll get back into the Champions League .

  14. 西筑之变&沥拌行业王者归来

    Change of Xi'an Road construction Machinery Co. , Ltd & the Return of the Leader in Asphalt Mixing Industry

  15. 认为只有经历大众化的洗礼,精英文化才会最终王者归来,从而开创油画艺术的新纪元。

    That only through the baptism of popular and elite culture will finally return of the king , thus creating a new era of oil painting .

  16. 但是据曾在谷歌重返中国大陆的相关项目工作的人表示,该公司可能会在2016年上半年宣布王者归来。

    But people who have worked with Google on projects related to its reopening said earlier that the company may announce its return in the first half of 2016 .

  17. 只有一个“归来”,好吧,但是不是“王者归来”,是“绝地归来”。

    Randal Graves : There 's only one " Return ", okay , and it ain 't " Of the King ", it 's " Of the Jedi " .

  18. 他是骑士队无可争议的球星,现在他又与洛杉矶湖人队交换合同,他的签约被称为王者归来。

    He was the uncontested star of the Cavs , as he is again with the Los Angeles Lakers , and his signing was dubbed the return of the king .

  19. 当年的魔戒三部曲的终结篇《魔戒:王者归来》也是在此举行全球首映。

    Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King - the final movie in the Lord of the Rings trilogy - also received its world premiere in Wellington .

  20. 包括“护戒使者”(2001)、“双塔奇兵”(2002)和“王者归来”(2003),其中最后一部获得最佳影片奖。

    Includes " The Fellowship Of the Ring "( 2001 )," The Two Towers "( 2002 ) and " The Return Of The King "( 2003 ) . The final film in the saga won Best Picture .

  21. 获得最多奥斯卡奖项的三部电影分别是《指环王:王者归来》(2003年)、《泰坦尼克号》(1997年)和《宾虚》(1959年)。

    Rings : Return of the King The three movies that won the most Oscars were Lord of the Rings : Return of the King ( 2003 ), Titanic ( 1997 ) and Ben-Hur ( 1959 ) .

  22. 自2004年来他就没有担任过奥斯卡主持,那一年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼有大约4400万人观看,当年的最大赢家是热卖影片《指环王3:王者归来》。

    He has not been emcee of the show since 2004 when it drew roughly 44 million viewers and box office smash The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King was the big winner .

  23. 自2004年来他就没有担任过奥斯卡主持,那一年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼有大约4400万人观看,当年的最大赢家是热卖影片《指环王3:王者归来》。

    He has not been emcee of the show since 2004 when it drew roughly 44 million viewers and box office smash " The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King " was the big winner .

  24. 在因病缺席一整年的比赛后,2010年,他王者归来,全票赢得了年度最佳新秀。在快船期间,他五次入选全明星。

    After missing the entirety of his first season to injury , he stormed onto the scene in 2010 , winning Rookie of the Year in a unanimous vote and was selected to the All-Star Game five times as a Clipper .

  25. 又一次王者的归来!

    The return of the king !

  26. 接踵而来的质疑和批评并没有打败你,你没有继续沉沦,而是在法网、温网用胜利宣告了王者的归来。

    But the come of the question and the criticism didn 't beat you , you didn 't keep on sinking , but to announce the king return by your victory of French Open and The Wimbledon Championships .