
yā kǒu
  • Yakou;mountain pass
垭口 [yà kǒu]
  • [narrow mountain pass] 〈方〉∶狭窄的山口

  1. 我们在驶近通往TsagochenThang的垭口时,货车噼啪几声熄火了。

    We were nearing the top of the pass to Tsagochen Thang when the van spluttered and died .

  2. 大风垭口公路隧道施工中的地质灾害及对策

    Analysis of geological hazards and corresponding management during the road tunnel construction

  3. 晚更新世晚期以来昆仑山垭口区的植被与环境

    Vegetational and environmental changes of Kunlun Mt. pass area since late Pleistocene

  4. 昆仑山垭口地区的冰期系列

    Glaciation Sequences in the Kunlun shan Pass Area

  5. 昆仑山垭口盆地松散沉积物粒度特征及其构造和环境意义

    Tectonic and environmental significance deduced from grain size characteristics of incompact sediment in Kunlun Pass Basin

  6. 昆仑山垭口地区第四纪地层石英砂表面特征与沉积环境

    Surface Character and Sedimentary Environment of the Quartz Grains in the Quaternary Strata in Kunlun Mountains Pass Area

  7. 莲花水电站二坝位于大坝左岸山体垭口处,为粘土心墙砂砾石坝。

    Its second dam locates at the hill cross over of left side bank of the first dam . It is a sandy gravel dam with clay core .

  8. 我们只得继续向上行进——城市东边有个4000米的垭口那里到处是不成形的道路和碎石,很难走。

    We had a go cycling up - there 's a 4000 metre pass east of the city . Which was all unmade road , gravel - pretty difficult to get up .

  9. 大风垭口隧道由于其特殊的地理位置和复杂的地质情况,遇到的困难和技术难题在全国乃至世界地下工程中都是罕见的。

    The tunnel DA-FENG-YA-KOU has special geographical position and complicated geological situation . The difficulty met and technological difficult problem are all rare in the whole country and even underground project in the world .

  10. 你刚好描述了我所看到的——沿着垭口上行,我没有骑到林木线上面这是我们的第一次大幅度爬升,可想而知,十分艰难。

    You just described what I just saw - this pass I went up I did not get beyond the tree line . This was the first big climb we did so it was pretty hard work .

  11. 中线工程全线长1240公里。具体规划为:从丹江口水库引水,修渠道经分水岭方城垭口,到郑州,过黄河,修渠道引水到北京、天津。

    Totaling1240km in length , the project will draw water from the Danjiangkou reservoir , build water channels and divert water to Beijing and Tianjin via the Yakou watershed in fangcheng , Zhengzhou in Henan and the Yellow river .