
  • 网络Shang Wenjie;Laure;laure shang
  1. 幸运的是,尚雯婕最终获得了超女冠军。

    Luckily Shangwenjie finally win the chapain of super girl .

  2. 尚雯婕会亲自挑选最中意的三套私人珍藏并使用。

    Chang Wen-Jie will personally selected choice to the three private collections and use .

  3. 虽然复旦大学去年的毕业生尚雯婕夺得今年“超女”决赛的总冠军,但复旦大学的学生对选秀节目和新人气偶像的热情并不是很高。

    Fudan 's students seemed not to be influenced too much by popular TV shows and new stars , despite the latest Supergirl , Shang Wenjie having graduated from the university last year .

  4. 我在圈子里看到了大家制作的尚雯婕博客模板,希不希望你所做的模板能够出现在尚雯婕的博客上呢?

    I saw in the circle of the production of the Chang Wen-Jie blog template , Greek hope you will not be able to do the template Chang Wen-Jie appear in the blog on ?