
  1. 关于EG花环的形成已屡见不鲜,但对其形成机理的探讨尚付缺如。

    Though E_G seems to be a marker of activated lymphocytes , the mechanism of their formation has not been investigated .

  2. 评价CIMS实施效果需要一套科学的指标体系和评价方法,迄今尚付阙如。

    It needs a set of scientific index system and evaluation method to evaluate the effect of CIMS 's performance , but it has not been done yet .

  3. 目前,我国有关刑事被害人补偿的立法尚付阙如。

    At present , China 's criminal victim compensation is still a blank field .

  4. 目前,对于“新闻叙事学”的研究在学科领域内尚付阙如。

    At present , the study of news narratology doesn 't exist in the field of subjects .

  5. 直到目前为止,对绘画期刊深入而系统的研究成果尚付阙如。

    Until now , there has been few results in further and systematic researches on painting periodicals .

  6. 但我国法律制度至今仍很不健全,民法典尚付之阙如,提存制度分散而零乱,缺乏系统性和协调性。

    Owing to the under-development of our legal system , the deposit system is still disorder and lack of system .

  7. 目前,我国对于政策性农业保险的研究成果较多,但对于政策性农业保险法律问题的深入系统的研究尚付阙如。

    Currently , there are more research results about policy-oriented agricultural insurance , but less about the legal issues of policy-oriented agricultural insurance legal .

  8. 然国内学者多关注典型刑罚如生命刑、自由刑及财产刑等,对非典型刑罚或准刑罚之研究,如刑法没收财物罚,尚付阙如。

    But what 's a pity that scholars always pay much attention to those typical punishments , but ignore those non-typical mandatory sanctions such as confiscation in criminal law .

  9. 有关合情推理的相关研究成果,在国内主要集中在数学及课堂教学领域,而试图将合理推理与罪案侦缉结合起来进行研究则迄今尚付阙如。

    The relevant domestic related research achievements of the plausible reasoning mainly concentrated in mathematics and classroom teaching field . So far , trying to make plausible reasoning and crime investigation combined studying is belong to the journey of exploration .

  10. 然而,在内幕交易行为发生后怎样对投资者的损害进行合理的补偿,即建立适当的民事责任制度以维护证券市场的公平、公正、公开原则和保护投资者权益,我国现行法尚付阙如。

    Nevertheless , there are no provisions of civil liability on how to compensate for the damages of investors which are caused by the insider trading to maintain the fairness , justice and publicity of securities market and to protect the rights and interests of investors .

  11. 相比较而言,甘肃等西北、北方地区的绿营兵区域性研究尚付阙如;另外,学术界对西北边疆史的研究,也缺乏从绿营兵角度加以探讨的尝试。

    In comparison , the Green Standard Army regional research of northwest and northern areas as Gansu province etc. is still sadly lacking . In addition , the academic study of the history of the Northwest Frontier is a lack from the perspective of the Green Standard Army .