
  • 网络Chateau de Chambord
  1. 1987年AXA保险集团收购了碧尚男爵堡后,采取什么措施让酒庄重振声威?

    What did you do to celebrate at the winery after AXA group took over the chateau in1987 ?

  2. 碧尚男爵堡酒标上有两只长着翅膀的怪兽,请解释下酒标的涵义?

    What does the wine label mean , on which there are two winged monsters ?

  3. 因此现今,很多人认为碧尚男爵堡仅次于五大一级名庄。

    Until now , people say that Chateau Pichon Baron is only inferior to the five top chateaus in Bordeaux .

  4. 比起邻居拉图庄和姐妹园碧尚女爵堡,男爵堡的酒性如何?

    Comparing to your neighbor Chateau Latour and your sibling Chateau Pichon Lalade , what is the outstanding difference of your wine ?