
  1. 十八世纪俄罗斯园林与中国园林比较研究

    The comparable research of Russian and Chinese landscape architecture in 18th century

  2. 俄罗斯园林概述

    Summary of Russian Landscape Architecture

  3. 通观俄罗斯园林的历史,地域文化中的宗教性、民族性和文化性十分突出;

    Throughout the history of the Russian landscape , the religious , national and cultural characters in the local culture are quite obvious .

  4. 俄罗斯园林艺术受到地域、宗教和欧化等众多因素的影响,历经几百年的演变,逐渐形成了融合性与民族性并存的局面。

    The gardens in Russia has also been affected by many factors such as region , religion and Europeanization . After hundreds years of development , it shows the characters of combination and multi-nations .

  5. 以历史发展和时代背景为线索,结合城市建设、建筑风格、雕塑艺术等内容,系统阐述俄罗斯园林艺术的起源和发展。

    With historical development and epochal background as the clue , and linking with urban development , architecture style and sculptural art , the origin and development of Russian landscape art are systematically explained .

  6. 俄罗斯风景园林的历史与现在

    Landscape Architecture in Russia : Past and Present

  7. 在苏维埃时期(1917-1991年),俄罗斯风景园林受到社会和政治的强烈影响。

    Russian landscape architecture during Soviet time ( 1917-1991 ) had strong social and political influences .