
  1. 她弓身伏在方向盘前,表情像疯了一样。

    She is hunched forward over the wheel with a maniacal expression .

  2. “他开起车来像疯了一样”是他惠予的全部信息。

    ' He drives like a madman , ' was all the information he vouchsafed .

  3. 当艾丽卡叫蒂姆离开的时候,他像疯了一样,开始冲她大喊大叫。

    When Erica asked Tim to leave , he just lost it and started shouting at her . 4 go mental

  4. 今早,孩子们像疯了一样跑来跑去…

    This morning , the kids were running around like crazy ...

  5. 像疯了一样不停地颤抖,几乎不能拍照。

    I was shaking like mad and could hardly take any pictures .

  6. 而且像疯了一样总过来。

    And coming by here like he 's crazy .

  7. 她的举动像疯了一样。

    She acted as if she were mad .

  8. 而当一位中国诗人想修建一座酒店时,人人却都像疯了一样。

    But when a Chinese poet wants to build a hotel , everyone goes crazy .

  9. 那些家伙简直像疯了一样。

    Those guys were whackedout ofofheir gourds .

  10. 你知道,当你把酸和碱混合起来时,这东西会像疯了一样地变热。

    You know , you mix acid and base together and the thing heats up like crazy , right .

  11. 导演陈凯歌说,我们不需要害怕或像疯了一样地尖叫着喊狼来了。陈凯歌曾执导《霸王别姬》等中国影片。

    We don 't need to be scared or screaming like crazy , saying the wolf is here , said Chen Kaige , director of such Chinese films as Farewell My Concubine .

  12. 之后她生病了,就连最好的内科医生都无能为力,他便整个人像疯了一样,竭尽全力想让女儿康复。

    So when she became ill and her illness resisted the efforts of the best obtainable physicians , he became like a man possessed , moving heaven and earth to bring about her restoration to health .

  13. 等他终于开口讲话时,听起来几乎像是疯了一样:“你认为我后悔救了你的命吗?”

    When he finally spoke , he almost sounded mad . " You think I regret saving your life ? "