
  1. 只有意志坚强的小伙子,才能平息波澜,扬帆远航。

    Have tough-minded boy only , ability appeases billows , hoist the sails Yuan Hang .

  2. 为了理想我扬帆远航去超越落日。

    For my purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset .

  3. 何塞-穆里尼奥如同海上浮标带领我的小船扬帆远航,而贝克汉一辈子都无法做到。

    Jose Mourinho floats my boat with more buoyancy than Beckham ever could .

  4. 中国&东盟自由贸易区扬帆远航正其时

    China-ASEAN FTA is Right time to Set Sail

  5. 全球化没有成为使所有船只扬帆远航的东风。

    Globalization has not turned out to be the rising tide that lifts all boats .

  6. 我们扬帆远航,我扬帆远航。

    We are sailing I am sailing .

  7. 这座宏伟建筑的外观犹如一艘在风浪中扬帆远航的巨型帆船。

    This magnificent structure looks like a giant ship whose sails are blowing in the breeze .

  8. 徐工集团这艘巨舰正挺起科技与管理创新的强大引擎,向着更加绚丽和充满希望的明天扬帆远航!

    XCMG is on its way to the bright and promising future with its high technology and innovative management .

  9. 她的遗言是“我想要迎着狂风扬帆远航”

    Her last words to me were , " I wanna sail away , Dan , with the wind at me back .

  10. 据我所知,我们扬帆远航并不是去找寻有用的东西,而是寻求荣誉和奇遇。

    So far as I know we did not set sail to look for things useful but to seek honour and adventure .

  11. 大学的学习生活紧张而忙碌,我们学习部的每一个成员将帮助你们在学习的道路上扬帆远航,乘风破浪。

    University of intense and busy learning life , we learn every one of the members will help you on the road to learning Sail voyage , the wind and waves .

  12. 使辽宁农信银行卡业务在激烈竞争的农村金融市场大潮中破浪前行,扬帆远航,摆脱发展落后局面,牢固占领农村金融市场,开创更加美好的未来。

    Liaoning province rural credit bank card business in a highly competitive financial market in rural areas in the tide breaker move on , sailing out of underdevelopment ," solid " occupation of rural financial markets and create a better future .

  13. 扬帆图书远航之舟&在图书漂流中实现资源共享

    Unfurl a Sail for a Light Boat of Books to Accomplish the Resource Share in Book crossing

  14. 如果意识到我们拥有的是船帆,圣神就是扬帆使之远航的那一位,在上主面前我们就会全心依赖。

    Knowing we only possess the sails and that the Holy Spirit is the one who must inflate them , we feel totally dependent before God .