
yáng fān
  • set sail;hoist the sails
扬帆 [yáng fān]
  • [hoist the sails;set sail] 扯起船帆开船

扬帆[yáng fān]
  1. 只有意志坚强的小伙子,才能平息波澜,扬帆远航。

    Have tough-minded boy only , ability appeases billows , hoist the sails Yuan Hang .

  2. 灯塔选择了海的蔚蓝,要用生命让海岸扬帆。

    Lighthouse has chosen the sea sky blue , has wanted to let coast hoist the sails with life .

  3. 顺风一起他们就扬帆出航了。

    They set sail with the first fair wind .

  4. 有人在湖上游泳和扬帆。

    There was swimming and sailing down on the lake .

  5. 这位海军中校随意地朝他们挥挥手便扬帆而过。

    Giving them an airy wave of his hand , the Commander sailed past .

  6. 船正朝大陆扬帆航行。

    The ship is under sail , making toward the land .

  7. 即使在这样的坏天气里,我们也应扬帆航行。

    We should crack on the sail , even in this bad weather .

  8. 风和日丽,正是扬帆出海的黄道吉日。

    With favorable weather conditions it was an auspicious moment to set sail .

  9. 风一顺,我们就能扬帆行驶。

    When a favourable wind came , we were able to beat up .

  10. 为了南下,划船的人扬帆乘风。

    To go south , boaters put up sails to catch the wind .

  11. 例句我母亲说,父亲想要在退休后扬帆出海、环游世界的计划只是白日做梦。

    My mother says my father 's plan to sail around the world in his retirement1 is just a pipe dream .

  12. 埃克森美孚像一艘超级油轮一样扬帆前进,而荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司(RoyalDutchShell)已经宣布今年适度削减资本支出,该公司表示,这不是反应过度。

    Exxon cruises onward like a supertanker and Royal Dutch Shell has announced only modest cuts to capital expenditure this year , saying that it is not overreacting .

  13. 你也得同样友好的回答“Wula”或者其他……你可以在海滩上放松或者扬帆出海。

    I wonder what you will reply to them . Hm , " Wula " or whatever ... you can just simply relax on the beaches or sail all around .

  14. 好风凭借力,扬帆正其时&珠海发展航空物流业的前景航空物流园区形成机理

    Air Logistics Development in Zhuhai Forming Principle of Air Logistics Area

  15. 正是风好扬帆时&关于打造河南文化旅游品牌的思考

    Thinkings on creating cultural tourism image in Henan TOURISM IN SICHUAN

  16. 你和你深爱的人是不会各自单独扬帆出海的!

    The two of you won 't be setting sail alone !

  17. 海港就在那边,海船正扬帆起航,

    There lies the port ; the vessel puffs her sail :

  18. 要扬帆而去远地不客气

    I 'm sailing away ... away . You 're welcome .

  19. 蓝图绘就,正当扬帆破浪;

    Blueprint drawn , it is time for us to set sail ;

  20. 而今天,美国朋友的到来又为扬帆注入了一股新的活力。

    And today , the American friends'coming bring vitality into thin school .

  21. 希望万鲁科技与广大朋友一起扬帆起航,共同发展!

    Hope that the general technology and Lu million friends sailing together !

  22. 主题(四)扬帆同舟爱之航。

    Theme ( d ) sail in the love journey .

  23. 为了理想我扬帆远航去超越落日。

    For my purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset .

  24. 最后他们起了锚,扬帆出发了。

    Finally they got the anchor up and set sail .

  25. 扬帆直驶去夺取太宝贵的你,

    Bound for the prize of all too precious you ,

  26. 摩斯号扬帆启航,顺着阿库希奈河缓缓而下。

    Hoisting sail , it glided down the Acushnet river .

  27. 他们一有顺风就扬帆起航。

    Eg. They set sail with the first fair wind .

  28. 奥运将扬帆青岛,青岛已乘风扬帆。

    The Olympic Games will sail Qingdao , and Qingdao has been sailing .

  29. 何塞-穆里尼奥如同海上浮标带领我的小船扬帆远航,而贝克汉一辈子都无法做到。

    Jose Mourinho floats my boat with more buoyancy than Beckham ever could .

  30. 天气晴朗,有微风,正好适合扬帆航行。

    It was a sunny , breezy day , just right for sailing .