
  • 网络shooting war
  1. 嗯,作为一名新闻记者,拍摄战争场面的巨大压力让我深感不安。

    Well , speaking as a journalist I 'm dismayed by the amount of pressure there is for pictures of combat .

  2. 这就意味着当到了选择第二单元导演时——即负责拍摄战争场景和其它类型的动作场景的人——彼得·杰克逊就选择了安迪·瑟金斯。

    This meant when it came time to choose a 2nd unit director - someone who does battle scenes and other types of action shots - Peter Jackson chose Andy Serkis for the position .

  3. 拍摄了三集战争主题的剧集之后,这一系列转向了电影公司其它被大众熟知的类型。

    After three war-themed escapades , the series strayed into other genres for which the studio was well known .

  4. 这首曲子是在一部1956年拍摄的关于朝鲜战争的影片里,而那部影片表现了强烈的反美情绪。

    The piece was featured in a1956 Chinese movie about soldiers in the Korean war that expresses strong anti-American sentiments .