
  • 网络Glass lampshade;Glass Lamp Shade;glass chimney;lamp-chimney;lamp chimney
  1. 一种有玻璃灯罩和金属穿孔板防止大风吹熄火焰的油灯;有玻璃灯罩的烛台。中碳钢板坯保护渣玻璃质渣膜脱玻化

    An oil lamp with a glass chimney and perforated metal lid to protect the flame from high winds ; candlestick with a glass chimney . Devitrification of Mold Flux Glassy Film for Medium Carbon Steel Slab

  2. 戈甘设计的I.Rain吊灯能以任意灯管数及形状安装,而新推出的OMiKami树形灯则可以设置成任意大小,并使用Murano玻璃灯罩。

    His I.Rain pendants can be installed in any number and formation , while the new O Mi Kami chandelier can be configured in any size and has shades made of Murano glass .

  3. 钢化玻璃灯罩,颜色可选。

    Lamp cover of toughened glass , color is optional .

  4. 钢化玻璃灯罩,强度高,耐冲击,颜色有红、黄、兰等供选择;

    With fiber-class and feature of high intensity and impact resistance , the red , yellow and blue color for choice ;

  5. 门边有一条沉甸甸的链子挂着盏华丽的油灯,外面盖着加铅的红玻璃灯罩。

    Beside the door swung an ornate oil lamp on a heavy chain , with a globe of leaded red glass .

  6. 蒂凡尼款式的灯被认可,与众不同的彩色玻璃灯罩,使用铜箔与彩色玻璃的展品焊接在一起。

    A Tiffany style lamp will be recognized by the distinctive stained glass shade , made with pieces of stained glass soldered together using copper foil .

  7. 近日,松下公司推出了全球首款使用透明玻璃作为灯罩的LED灯泡。

    Recently , Panasonic introduced the world 's first use of transparent glass as the LED lamp lampshade .