
  • 网络glass tempering furnace
  1. 辐射-对流技术在玻璃钢化炉中的应用

    Application of Radiation / Convection Technique in Glass Tempering Furnace

  2. 陶瓷辊道在玻璃钢化炉的应用

    Application of the Ceramic Roller in the Glass Tempering Furnace

  3. 文章应用三菱Q02可编程控制器设计一个用于辐射-对流混合加热钢化炉的二维模糊控制器。

    This article talks about the design of a two-dimensional fuzzy controller which can use in radiation-convection mixed heating toughened furnace by the application of Mitsubishi Q02 program controller .

  4. 压紧辊,压实辊,压紧辊轮辊台式钢化炉弯风栅变形与玻璃受力

    Deformation of Curved Air-Grid in Roller-Type Tempering Furnace and the Pressure on Glass

  5. 对水平钢化炉内传动辊的温度场进行了数值模拟。

    The temperature distribution of conveying roller in horizontal tempering furnace was simulated numerically .

  6. 辊道式玻璃水平钢化炉过程控制系统的设计

    The Design of the Process Control System of Horizontal Roller Kiln for Glass Tempering

  7. 淬火炉和回火炉控温精度均<5℃;对水平钢化炉内传动辊的温度场进行了数值模拟。

    The accuracy of temperature in quenching and tempering furnace was controlled within ± 5 ℃ .

  8. A系列玻璃清洗机是专为配套钢化炉、夹层玻璃生产线、镀镆玻璃生产线而设计。

    HSW-A series glass washing machine is special designed for tempering line , laminating line , coated glass line .

  9. 我司生产的玻璃钢化炉,以其领先的节能技术和高品质的玻璃钢化效果得到了客户的一致好评。

    With the leading energy saving technique and high quality glass tempering , has a good common evaluation by our customers .

  10. 辊台式钢化炉弯风栅变形与玻璃受力直接传动型拉伸弯曲矫直机弯曲辊系多刚体动力学仿真研究

    Deformation of Curved Air-Grid in Roller-Type Tempering Furnace and the Pressure on Glass Multi-rigid-body Dynamic Simulation of the Bending Roller Unit of Direct-driving Stretcher Leveller

  11. 重力钢化炉的成型、钢化主要是将玻璃加热软化,玻璃在重力作用下沿成型胎边框模周边下弯成型,再将玻璃由加热炉移至急冷设备风栅间淬冷钢化。

    Glass was heated to its softening point and reshaped in mold under its gravity in heating furnace , then was sharp quenched by cold blast immediately .

  12. 在水平钢化炉中玻璃加热是个动态的过程,钢化炉的系统、制和设计安装质量影响这一过程。

    Abstract : Glass heating in horizontal tempering furnace is a dynamic process , the system , controlling , design and install of the tempering furnace make influence of this process .

  13. 某物因受到压力而产生的形状或尺寸的改变。辊台式钢化炉弯风栅变形与玻璃受力

    Alteration in the shape or dimensions of an object as a result of the application of stress to it . Deformation of Curved Air-Grid in Roller-Type Tempering Furnace and the Pressure on Glass

  14. 采用钢瓦作为水平辊道式钢化炉热平衡介质,实现了均匀加热,并对加热元件有保护作用。

    Homogeneously heating can be obtained by employing the steel tile s as thermal balance medium in horizontal roller track style tempering oven and the steel tile can also act as a protector of heating element .

  15. 针对当前生产中由于传动问题导致陶瓷辊道被破坏的现象,提出皮带传动作为玻璃钢化炉的主传动。

    Aiming at the phenomenon that the roller of porcelain and ceramics is destroyed in the current glass production because of the driving problem , the method of taking the leather belt spreads to move as the main driving is presented in this paper .

  16. 为适应浅弯钢化炉单位时间内产能的大幅增加,同时及时发现产品的缺陷,降低制造成本,浅弯钢化玻璃在线检测系统的实现有很重要的意义。

    In order to adapt to the increase to a great extent in the capacity of the shallow-bending furnace per unit time , timely find out the product defects and reduce the manufacturing cost , the realization of the shallow bending toughened glass detect system has very important significance .

  17. 着重研究了Low-E玻璃在钢化加热炉内加入空气进行对流传热时,气流的气动特性及速度场分布情况,从而讨论了它对炉内传热所做的贡献。

    This paper studied on the aerodynamic characteristics and velocity profile of air current in tempering furnace when Low-E glass is tempered and convective heat transfer is put into effect by air-stream introduction . The importance of air-stream convection for heat transfer in furnace is also stressed .

  18. 钢化加热炉内气体流场的模拟研究

    Simulation study on gas flow-field in heating furnace

  19. 采用石英陶瓷辊子是水平钢化玻璃炉成功的关键。

    Using quartz ceramic roller is the successful crux of furnace for glass horizontal tempering .

  20. 主要论述了使用水平钢化工艺方法对玻璃加热的加热原理,提出了快速加热玻璃温度的方法应用,为生产平、弯水平钢化炉的设备制造提供了理论依据。

    The pioneer application of Innoceram ceramics to glass horizontal thermal toughening furnace was presented and comparison between Innoceram and other materials was made in this article .