
  1. 我曾经是《钢铁巨人》的副制片,那时候是在华纳兄弟娱乐公司。

    I was associate editor on The Iron Giant and stayed at Warner Bros. for Osmosis Jones .

  2. 打造世界头号钢铁巨人

    Make the No.1 Steel Giant in the World

  3. 钢铁巨人成功应诉反倾销

    Steel Giant Responded Powerfully to Antidumping Suit

  4. 斯坦·温斯顿工作室为电影制造了一个钢铁巨人的动画电子模型。

    An animatronic puppet of the Iron Monger was built for the film by Stan Winston Studios .

  5. 工业世界的政府,你们这些肉体和钢铁的巨人,令人厌倦,我来自赛柏空间,思维的新家园。

    Governments of the Industrial World , you weary giants of flesh and teel , I come from Cyberspace , the new home of Mind .

  6. 硝烟在满是鲜血的战场上弥漫。战士,这些钢铁的巨人,纵然倒下,依旧坚强的崛起,胜利,是他们唯一的目标。

    Heavy shellfire and smoke of gunpowder is filling the air in the bloody battlefield . warriors , these powerful giants , are rising up valiantly , victory is their final goal .

  7. 要是我呢就是上托尔嫁钢铁侠杀绿巨人

    Now see for me , it would be f Thor , marry Iron Man and kill Hulk