
ɡānɡ dāo
  • steel knife
钢刀 [gāng dāo]
  • [knife;sword] 钢铁制的一边有刃的器具。古代亦用作武器

  1. 将模切版中需要黏贴PU弹垫的位置区分为小面积废料处、普通钢刀处和盒型主体拼接处三种情况,分别分析了每种情况下需要的压缩模量,得出相应的数学模型。

    Distinguish the positions stuck PU strips in the die cutting printing plate into places of small area flotsam , common steel knife and box - type main body joint . Analyze separately the compressive modulus which is needed in every situation and get the relevant mathematics model .

  2. 典礼上,创下了三项世界纪录,包括最重要的传统景颇族钢刀;

    At the ceremony , three world records were recorded , including the heaviest traditional Jingpo Ethnic Group steel knife ;

  3. 我见到了钢刀厂如今的制刀大师吴增栋(WuTsong-shan),他今年56岁,随自己父亲与爷爷学艺后进入此行。

    I met the current maestro , Wu Tsong-shan , 56 , who had followed his father and grandfather into the business .

  4. 45钢刀模带刀的激光淬火

    Laser Quenching of Strip Steel 45 for Cutting Knives

  5. 他们彼此间用钢刀相互砍杀。

    They sta ed it with their steely knives .

  6. 瞧,自制的钢刀,扫视着你。

    The steel ye tempered glance on ye .

  7. 你喜欢我的大钢刀吗?好无情哦。

    Oh , you like the steel of my blade ? It 's so cold .

  8. 钢模缩小机(印花雕刻用)雕刻刀:雕版专用的尖钢刀。

    Die pantograph machine Burin : A pointed engraver 's steel tool used for cutting .

  9. 受伤的医生挥动着钢刀

    The wounded surgeon plies the steel

  10. 不到20分钟,吴增栋大师就把用大陆炮弹制成的钢刀递到了我手上。

    Within 20 minutes , he was handing me my very own knife , made from a Chinese bomb .

  11. 高速钢刀片以磨料磨损为主,腐蚀磨损为辅。

    The abrasive mechanism was mainly responsible for the tool wear of high speed steel in additional to the corrosion mechanism .

  12. 就像一把未经打磨的钢刀,在职场这个大舞台上,要想成为一柄趁手的利刃,必须经历千锤百炼。

    Like a unpolished steel , at this stage , in order to become a handle using sword , must experience thoroughly tempered .

  13. 采用石墨涂层,对高速钢刀片进行了激光热处理,显著地提高了刀片表面的能量吸收率和硬度。

    The energy absorptivity and hardness of knife surface are obviously increased using graphite coating during laser thermal treatment for high speed steel knife .

  14. 他一边说着,一边用一把木柄钢刀砍断捆绑竹子柴火的长绳。

    As he spoke he cut long strips of bamboo to tie cords of firewood , using a heavy steel knife with a handmade wooden handle .

  15. 这种切粒刀结构特点是金属陶瓷刀刃与钢刀体通过高温真空扩散焊复合为一体。

    The cutting tool is consistsed of steel body and cermet cutting plate , the two parts are jointed together by high temperature diffusion welding in vacuum .

  16. 谢菲尔德联队在麦凯布拓展国际业务方面扮演着关键角色。该队因谢菲尔德钢铁业出名而被称为“钢刀”。

    United - known as " the Blades " after Sheffield 's steel industry - played a crucial part in the international reach of Mr McCabe 's business .

  17. 扎西当然明白,可是看着卓玛脖子上的钢刀,他别无选择。在两条豺狼得意的注视下,他慢慢放下了手中的武器

    Tashi certainly understood what would happen , but looking at the blade on Drolma 's neck , he had no choice . Slowly , he put down his knife

  18. 系统地研究了高速切削45钢刀-屑界面的接触长度,在较宽的切削速度和进给量范围内建立了定量表述45钢高速切削过程刀-屑界面接触长度计算模型。

    Based on the experimental study , in a wide range of cutting speed and feed rate , the contact length model of tool-chip interface for high-speed cutting 45 steel is established .