
  • 网络Steel Box Girder
  1. GPSRTK技术在悬臂钢箱梁监测中的应用研究

    Application Study of GPS RTK in Monitoring of Cantilevered Steel Box Girder

  2. 结合大型通用有限元程序MIDAS,ANSYS对混凝土桥塔以及钢箱梁进行了温度效应分析。

    Using the FEA program ANSYS , MIDAS , the temperature effects of PC bridge tower and steel box girder are researched .

  3. PLC控制液压同步顶升系统在连续钢箱梁悬臂架设施工中的应用

    Application of PLC-Controlled Hydraulic Sync Jack-up System to Cantilever Erection of Continuous Steel Box Girder

  4. 武汉军山长江公路大桥B标主桥钢箱梁安装及斜拉索张挂施工

    Installation of Steel Box Girders and Cable-Stays for Main Bridge for Contract B of Junshan Highway Bridge over Changjiang River in Wuhan

  5. CAE技术在泰州长江大桥钢箱梁设计中的应用

    Application of CAE in Steel Box Girders Design of Taizhou Bridge

  6. 预应力CFRP布加固钢箱梁与混凝土组合梁力学性能

    Mechanical Performance of Steel-Concrete Composite Beams Strengthened with Prestressing CFRP Sheets

  7. 然后根据有限元理论,采用ANSYS通用有限元软件,对一座三跨连续钢箱梁进行了全桥仿真分析。

    Then , according to the finite element theory , ANSYS finite element software was adopted to simulate a 3-span continuous steel bridge .

  8. 结果表明,钢箱梁顶板U形肋存在较大的应力变化幅值,应作为结构健康监测与疲劳状态评估的重点构件。

    Result shows that , the U-shape ribs are of critical importance in structural health monitoring and fatigue assessment because of its large range of stress variation .

  9. 港深西部通道钢箱梁低温CTOD试验

    Low temperature CTOD test on steel box beam for Hong Kong-Shenzhen Western Corridor

  10. 介绍了BP网络方法在钢箱梁施工控制中的实施过程,根据网络预测结果为合拢段实施过程提供参考依据。

    In this paper theories and application of BP neutral network have been introduced , and useful reference for construction control of central connected part of steel box beam has been got by the forecasted result of neutral network .

  11. 新光大桥系杆为贯穿全桥(785m)的钢箱梁,并与钢拱肋、V形刚构刚性连接,结构整体刚度很大。

    The tie bar is penetrative through the whole bridge of 785m and connected rigidly with the arch rib and the V-shaped rigid frame .

  12. 提出了一种新型钢砼组合结构&钢箱砼组合受弯构件,该构件由钢箱梁,钢筋混凝土梁及PBH剪力连接件组合。

    A new steel-concrete composite structure was proposed which composed of steel box beam , PC beam and PBH Shear connection .

  13. 以嘉陵江大桥为工程背景,提出了主跨180m的连续钢箱梁桥的设计方案。

    Based on the plan of the Jialing River Bridge , the conceptual design of a continuous box-girder bridge with 180 meters-mainspan is proposed .

  14. 针对该桥钢箱梁桥面板局部受力复杂的情况,运用ANSYS软件建立了钢箱梁结构分析的空间有限元模型,分析了钢箱梁在车载作用下局部应力的分布特点。

    In the light of the complexity of local stress conditions at deck of the steel-box girder , the ANSYS software is used to establish the finite element space model of steel-box girder , and the characteristics of local stress distribution at deck of steel-box girder are analyzed .

  15. 论文运用大型通用有限元软件ANSYS建立基于板单元和实体单元的节段组合有限元模型,对钢箱梁顶、底板和横隔板等主要构件的受力和应力分布情况进行了详细分析。

    A partly finite element model using brick and plate element is developed by using large-scale general finite element software ANSYS , in order to study the member stress distribution of the main plates of steel box girder , such as top slab , bottom slab and vertical diaphragm .

  16. 斜拉桥预制钢箱梁节段桥位拼装工艺及焊接变形SIK防水浆料在城市立交钢结构箱梁防水施工中的应用

    BUILDING-UP PROCESS OF PREFABRICATED STEEL BOX BEAM SEGMENT AND WELDING DEFORMATION FOR STAYED-CABLE BRIDGE Application of SIK waterproofing slurry in waterproofing of steel box beam structure

  17. 宜昌长江公路大桥桥型选择为双塔钢箱梁悬索桥,主跨960m。

    Yichang Changjiang River Highway Bridge is a steel box beam suspension bridge with two towers , main span of 960 m.

  18. 介绍北京通惠河北路道路立交中的Z3、Z4匝道桥钢箱梁的构造、设计和施工特点。

    The structural formation , design and construction features of the steel box girders for Ramp Bridges Z3 and Z4 of Tonghuihe North Road Highway Interchange in Beijing are described .

  19. 主跨518m及2个侧边跨各100m均采用钢箱梁,两端接2×47m锚跨采用预应力混凝土箱形梁。

    The 518 m main span of the bridge and the 100 m flanking span on each side of the main span are all of steel box girders . The 2 × 47 m anchor spans on further sides are of prestressed concrete box girders .

  20. 港深西部通道后海湾大桥是一座全长460m的单索面独塔斜拉桥,其上部结构为钢箱梁,分为22个节段。

    The Hau Hoi Wan Bridge on Hongkong-Shenzhen Western Corridor is a single pylon , single cable plane cable-stayed bridge totaling 460 m in length and the superstructure of the Bridge is designed as a steel box girder structure composed of 22 girder blocks .

  21. 论述中国广东省主跨径为888m的虎门悬索桥加劲钢箱梁的构造、吊装和焊接,着重介绍了钢箱梁节段的全焊连接。

    This paper presents the Structure , erection and welding of the stiffened steel box beam of the 888m span Tiger Gate Bridge over the Pearl River ( Zhujiang River ) in Guangdong province of China , highlighting the fully welded connection of the box beam segments .

  22. 桥梁钢箱梁内空气湿度状态的研究

    Study of humidity of air in the steel box - beam

  23. 同时也总结了钢箱梁顶推施工还存在的问题。

    Also summarizes the problems of steel box girder pushing construction .

  24. 大型钢箱梁焊接收缩变形及其控制

    Welding deformation of the large steel box girder and its control

  25. 钢箱梁制作和现场安装方法探讨

    Discussion on the Manufacture and Installation of the Beam of Steel

  26. 钢箱梁制作工艺及现场拼接控制

    Manufacturing technique of steel box beam and its site splice control

  27. 浅论连续钢箱梁焊接的质量控制

    Brief Talk about Quality Control of Continuous Steel Box Beam Welding

  28. 我国大跨度桥全焊钢箱梁的制造

    Manufacture of fully-welded steel box girder for long-span bridge in China

  29. 一种新型预应力钢箱梁桥

    A new type of steel box girder bridge with prestressed tendons

  30. 正交异性钢箱梁桥面第二体系结构优化设计

    Structural Optimum Design of the Second System of Orthotropic Steel Bridge