
  • 网络Marley and Me;Marley & Me;Marley &Me;Marley&Me
  1. 《马利和我》我喜欢这个结尾

    Marley & Me . I love the ending Oh !

  2. 马利和我,这是我昨天看的一部电影。

    ' Marley & Me ' , I was watching this movie last night .

  3. 在电影《马利和我》里扮演母亲的安妮斯顿说,她将来会生孩子。

    And Aniston , who plays a mom in " Marley & Me ," said babies could be in her future .

  4. 那个时候它只有九周大,她描述说当时查姆普就像电影《马利和我》里面那只狗狗一样。

    He was just 9 weeks old at the time and , as she describes him , he was a " " Marley and Me " type of puppy . "