
  • 网络ladle refining;ASEA-SKF
  1. LF钢包精炼过程混匀时间计算机模拟

    A numerical study of commix time in LF ladle refining

  2. LF/VD-100t钢包精炼炉的设计

    Design of LF / VD-100 t Ladle Refining Furnace

  3. Li2O对钢包精炼渣的调质处理

    Ladle Refining Slag Modification with Li_2O

  4. LF钢包精炼炉电极调节器原理及应用

    Principle and Application of the Electrode Regulator for Ladle Furnace

  5. LF钢包精炼炉合金微调自动控制系统

    The Automatic Control System of Alloy Adjust in Ladle Furnace

  6. 基于正则化RBF神经网络的钢包精炼炉电极系统智能建模

    Intelligent Modeling for the Electrode System in Ladle Furnace Based on Regular RBF Neural Network

  7. 用LF钢包精炼炉生产电站转子钢锭

    Ingots manufactured by LF furnace for power station rotors

  8. 合金在LF钢包精炼过程中的变化研究

    Alloy transformation in LF ladle refining research

  9. 首钢LF钢包精炼炉装备介绍

    Introduce of Equipment of Shougang Ladle Furance

  10. LF钢包精炼炉是国内外最为流行的炉外精炼方式。

    The ladle furnace is the most popular refine way in the domestic and foreign .

  11. LF钢包精炼炉实践

    Practice on LF Ladle Refining Furnace

  12. LF泡沫精炼渣研究及钢包精炼炉数理模拟

    Experimental Study on Foaming Slag for Steel Refining and Physical and Mathematical Simulation of LF Process

  13. LF型钢包精炼炉排烟除尘相关问题的探讨

    Exploring Related Problem about Fumes Off and Excluding Dust for the LF Type Ladle Refining Furnace

  14. 在湍流流动模型基础上,建立了底吹Ar搅拌下LF钢包精炼过程钢液混匀时间计算机模型。

    A mathematical model of alloy commixed time in molten-steel has been established based on turbulence flow model .

  15. 研究了钢包精炼条件下各种工艺参数对VN合金N、V收得率的影响。

    The effect of ladle refining parameters on yielding rate of N and V of VN alloy was studied .

  16. 电炉(EAF)、钢包精炼炉(LF)和VD炉是电弧炉炼钢的关键设备。

    EAF ( Electric Arc Furnace ), LF and VD are key equipments of steel-making .

  17. 动态定量加料系统优化控制是钢包精炼炉(Ladlefurnace,LF)生产过程的重要工艺控制环节。

    Optimization of quantitatively dynamic feeding control system is an important part of the process control of ladle furnace ( LF ) .

  18. 介绍了马钢90tLF-VD(EMS)钢包精炼炉处理车轮轮箍钢的基本工艺情况。

    The 90 t LF-VD ( EMS ) refining process for wheel and tyre steel is introduced in this paper .

  19. 电极控制是钢包精炼生产线的关键设备,本文探讨其可编程序控制器PLC实现技术,该系统具有操作简便,安全可靠等特点,有自动/手动功能。

    The electrode-control is a key equipment for ladle refining production line . In this paper , the implementation of programmable logic controller ( PLC ) has been developed .

  20. 40t以下转炉钢包精炼工艺探讨

    Discussion on Ladle Refining Technology for the Converter Less Than 40t

  21. 课题研究中针对具体的钢包精炼炉进行了数学模拟,得到其主要生产过程的数学模型(LF温度预报模型、非金属夹杂物去除模型、精炼渣脱硫预报模型)。

    The mathematical models of main LF metallurgical processes were obtained ( temperature prediction model , removal model of non-metal inclusion , LF desulphurization prediction model ) .

  22. 20t钢包精炼炉工艺优化

    Process Optimization of 20t Ladle Furnace

  23. 40t钢包精炼炉生产十年总结

    Summary on the production of the 40-tonne ladle refining furnace over the past decade

  24. 钢包精炼炉(Ladlefurnace,简称LF)是洁净钢精炼的重要手段之一,在国内外钢铁企业得到了广泛应用。

    Ladle furnace ( is called LF ) is one of the important methods for clean steel refining , and it is used widely in the domestic and foreign iron and steel enterprise .

  25. ANS-OB钢包精炼连注板坯的钢板质量

    Quality of concast slab produced by ans - ob ladle refining furnace

  26. 该系统采用以PLC控制器为基础,以计算机监控技术、数据通信和控制模型相结合的方式,实现对钢包精炼过程的自动控制,满足炼钢精炼工艺的要求。

    Based on PLC , the system can achieve automatic control of ladle refining process , in combination with computer supervisory technology , data communication and control mod-els . So it can meet the need of ladle refining process .

  27. 对邯钢一炼钢厂LF钢包精炼炉的电极消耗大的原因进行了分析,并介绍了所采取的措施及取得的成效。

    The reason for over consumption of electrode in LF refining furnace in No.1 Steelworks of Handan Iron and Steel Company is analyzed , the measures adopted and the result got introduced .

  28. ASEA-SKF钢包精炼炉脱氧工艺探讨

    Discussion on Deoxidization Process in ASEA-SKF ladle Refining Furnace

  29. LFV型钢包精炼炉的冶金特性

    Metallurgical Behaviour of LFV Ladle Refining Furnace

  30. LF钢包精炼炉电极夹持器为新型的液压弹簧夹持器。该夹持器结构紧凑,调整方便,使用安全可靠。

    Introduced in this article is a modern hydraulic-spring electrode clamp for the ladle furnace system , which is of a compact structure , easy to be adjusted and capable of safe and reliable operation .