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  1. 他给我看了一份匆匆草拟的路制计划。

    He showed me a hastily sketched-out plan of the road system .

  2. 根据常钧等学者研究的现有的碳化制度和工艺条件下,进一步探索钢渣路面砖制备的最佳工艺,包括:Ca(OH)2乳浊液比例、成型压力、CO2分压和碳化时间。

    The optimum experimental conditions in the process of carbonation were researched , including Ca ( OH ) 2 emulsion , forming pressure , CO2 partial pressure and carbonation curing time .

  3. 该模型通过建立出租车停靠点,改变现有扫马路寻客,扬手召车打车的路抛制模式,形成定点候车、定点载客的新模式。

    Through the establishment of the taxi stands , we should change the road behind model of " sweep the road , find else called car taxi ", form the new pattern of " waiting and carrying at the fixed-point " .

  4. 投资体制应走社会融资之路,股份制、发行债券、引进外资都是可取的方式。

    The forms of shareholding system , issuing bonds and introducing foreign investment are all recommended .

  5. 肩回交路机车运转制通常采用的是机车固定牵引区段的作业方式。

    It is the most common method that the fixed locomotive working with a shoulder-circuit locomotive routing in the fixed traction section .

  6. 颗粒状路用木质纤维制备研究

    Research on Preparation of Granular Cellulose Fiber for Road Construction

  7. 最后对光路进行调整,制备了小周期的二维的聚合物/液晶光栅。

    At last , we improve the optical path to prepare a two-dimensional polymer / liquid crystal grating with small period .