
  • 网络ling
  1. 路翎,是中国文学史上的一个特殊的存在。

    Lu Ling is a special existence in history of Chinese literature .

  2. 极端内倾与情感迸泻&路翎小说心理描写初探

    A Study of Psychological Descriptions in Lu Ling 's Novels

  3. 论路翎小说中的原始强力精神

    On " original power " spirit in Lu Ling 's novel

  4. 因此,路翎笔下人物都经历着从疯狂到死亡的艰难历程。

    So they underwent the hard process from insanity to death .

  5. 论40年代中后期路翎的小说创作

    On Lu Ling 's Novel Creation in the Mid and Late 1940s

  6. 论路翎小说的心理分析特色

    On the Psychoanalytical Characteristics of LU Ling 's Novels

  7. 路翎小说:一个扰动了的精神世界

    Lu Ling 's Novels , A Disturbed Spiritual World

  8. 路翎的意义:超越平庸重中庸、重和谐,轻竞争。

    Valuing mediocrity and harmony while ignoring competition .

  9. 路翎与俄苏文学创作风格比较论

    Comments on the Comparing Literature of Lu Ling with Russian Soviet Literature Creation Style

  10. 为什么会有这样的批评&论1954年批评界对路翎的批评

    Why Such Criticism : A Comment on the Criticism on Lu Ling in 1954

  11. 绝望的反抗&论路翎的悲剧意识

    Rebellion in Despair & On the Tragedy Consciousness of Lu Ling 's Novels Protest Against Slavery

  12. 鲁迅和胡风是架设在五四文学和路翎之间的重要桥梁。

    Lu Xun and Hu Feng are the important bridges between May 4th literature and Lu Ling .

  13. 路翎以真切的生命实践来表现作为个体在现代展开与延伸中的现代性体验,关注作为人之为人的主体存在的可能。

    Lu Ling endeavored to demonstrate the modern expansion and extension as individual by his real life .

  14. 作为区域文学概念的重庆文学就是表现重庆文化的文学。路翎在小说中不仅塑造了许多血肉饱满的重庆人物形象,而且呈现出丰富的重庆文化因子。

    As literature of Chongqing of the regional literature concept being literature which displays the culture of Chongqing .

  15. 从而以路翎为标本,见证一代知识分子无处安放的青春,在政治与时代面前失语的尴尬境地。

    Luling 's novels witnessed the displaced youth and the speechless embarrassment of the intellectuals at that time .

  16. 七月派小说家中成就最高的是路翎和丘东平。

    Of all the July Group novelists , lu Ling and Qiu Dongping are with the highest achievements .

  17. 新时期以来,学术界又开始重新关注路翎,开始对路翎进行深层次地探索。

    In new period , academia began to focus on Lu Ling again , and began to explore Lu Ling deeply .

  18. 路翎是现代文学中一位独具特质的文学新星,又是七月派中的极其重要的一员。

    Lu Ling is an unique literary star in modern literature sky . And he is an important member of July writers .

  19. 路翎晚年创作的作品,直到目前,还没有能够全部出版。

    The creative works of Lu Ling in his later years , until now , have not yet to be fully published .

  20. 路翎的这种努力突破了客观性的描写,表现出一种真实的历史精神。

    The effort of Luling has broken the objectivity of depiction in his novels , and expressed a kind of true history spirit .

  21. 文章试图从路翎对鲁迅精神的继承与超越角度来体现鲁迅精神的永恒意义。

    This paper illustrates the eternal meaning of Lu Xun 's spirit from Lu Ling 's inheriting and surpassing Lu Xun 's tradition .

  22. 第二章主要以蒋纯祖为典例细析了路翎作品中带有浓厚西方个人主义色彩的知识分子英雄形象。

    In chapter two , it will mainly deal with the intellectual hero characters that take on obvious western individualism in Luling 's works .

  23. 因此,路翎是以达到未来的桥梁的前瞻意识,凸显现代知识者精神炼狱的特殊性与艰难性。

    Lu Ling 's advanced awareness of " the future bridge " displayed the particularity and hardness of the spiritual " inferno " of modern intellectuals .

  24. 在抗战时期路翎的作品中,我们能够清楚的看到中国传统文化的传承和苏俄文学的影响。

    Luling works in the War period , we can clearly see the cultural heritage of traditional Chinese literature and the impact of the Soviet Union .

  25. 路翎通过对知识分子、军人等两种特殊群体的悲剧性命运的书写,表达了对他们无法实现自我价值的无奈感。

    Lu Ling expressed his powerlessness through writing the tragic fates of the two special groups : intellectuals , soldiers , who could not realize their self-worth .

  26. 从死亡、孤独与绝望三个侧面来分析路翎小说的悲剧色彩。

    This paper demonstrates tragedy consciousness in Lu Ling 's novels based on the analysis of four aspects , namely , death , loneliness , and despair .

  27. 重新解读路翎,无论是对20世纪中国文学的启蒙语境与现代语境,还是对20世纪中国文学史中那凄切、悲凉的一页都具有相当深刻的现实认识意义。

    There will be much substantial understanding significance for both the enlightening context and modern context and the miserable and tragic in history of Chinese literature in the 20th century .

  28. 路翎是七月派中作品最多,成就最高的作家。

    Lu Ling was the most successful writers in July . In the early 40s , and the quantity of his works is more than the other workers in his time .

  29. 在塑造这些人物形象的过程中,路翎进行着对重庆文化的小说改造,注入了新思想的元素。

    During the process of moulding the personage 's image , way feather go on to Chongqing novel transformation of culture , have poured into the element of the new thought .

  30. 30-40年代,国家叙事原创性强,有茅盾社会分析模式、丁玲意识形态模式、路翎现代心理模式;

    In the 1930s and the 1940s national narrative brought forth new ideas , such as Mao Dun 's sociological analysis , Ding Ling 's ideological type and Lu Ling 's modern psychological mode .