
  • Teachers' colleges;normal universities and colleges
  1. 师范类院校地理专业学生信息素养及培养策略探究

    On Training Informational Literacy of Geography Majors in Teacher 's College

  2. 师范类院校英语专业学生英语学习策略调查

    A survey of Learning strategies of Normal University English Major

  3. 师范类院校多媒体课程的实践与探讨

    The Practice and Discussion of Multimedia Course in Normal Colleges

  4. 高等师范类院校数学模型课程开展模式的探究

    Research on Development Mode of Mathematical Modeling Course in Higher Normal College

  5. 提出了在师范类院校设置信息技术教育课程方案。

    Also given are the teaching schemes for information technology in Teachers College .

  6. 师范类院校应重视英语语法教学

    Normal Colleges Should Attach More Importance to English Grammar

  7. 因此本校也是国内第一所把歌剧《阿依达》搬上舞台的师范类院校。

    The school is also the first " Aida " staged Teachers colleges .

  8. 钢琴艺术是一门实践性很强的学科,而师范类院校的钢琴教学难度更大一些。

    The teaching of piano in Normal College is more demanding because it requires more practicality .

  9. 笔者以为师范类院校必须加强汉字规范化、标准化教学管理改革;

    We think that we should enforce the teaching management and reform of normalization and standardization of Chinese character .

  10. 建立健全非师范类院校和综合性大学参与高师教育的政策和机制;

    Establishing and perfecting the policy and mechanism for other colleges and universities ' participation in higher normal education ;

  11. 而油画学科在高等师范类院校地位的确立也是近六十年的事。

    And oil painting in higher normal colleges subject is the establishment of the position of nearly 60 years of things .

  12. 我国体育艺术表演专业在体育院校中已初具规模,但在师范类院校中的开展还处于起步阶段。

    Professional sports performing arts institutions have begun to take shape in the sport , but in the conduct of the Normal University in infancy . 2 .

  13. 自改革开放以来,我国高等师范类院校油画学科发展迅速,教学体制也不断地完善。

    Since the reform and open policy , our country higher normal colleges and universities of developed rapidly , and teaching painting discipline constitution also continuously improve .

  14. 本文以师范类院校的琵琶专业教学为研究对象,对相关的教学实践进行探讨与研究。

    In this paper , the Pipa teaching in normal universities is regarded as the studying object , and we devote to discussion and research on the teaching experience .

  15. 同年开始,教育部直属的六所师范类院校开始逐步改革现有的人事制度,推行教师聘任制度。

    The same year , the 6 of the Normal University owned directly by Ministry of Education began to gradually reform the existing personnel system and the implementation of teacher appointment system .

  16. 师范类院校大学生思想政治教育工作有着深远的意义,对将来教师队伍的思想道德素质水平以及教师的全面素质水平起着决定性的作用。

    Students ' ideological and political education work in Normal colleges and universities is of great significance and plays a decisive role in enhancing teachers ' moral quality level and teachers ' comprehensive quality level .

  17. 根据长期的教学实践、社会调查和一些专题研究,对师范类院校的音乐教育目前存在的危机和现状进行了分析并提出以两个负责态度进行教育改革。

    Based on the long-term teaching practice , social investigation and some special research , it analyses the present conjecture and actuality of the music education of the normal schools , and advances to carry through education reform with " two responsible attitudes " .

  18. 我国硕士研究生的核心自我评价处于正常水平;除了综合类院校的硕士生的核心自我评价水平高于就读于师范类院校的硕士生外,其他类型上无显著差异。

    Postgraduates ' core self assessment level medium slightly on the high side . In addition to the master who are in comprehensive colleges is higher than the ones enrolled in normal colleges , other classification of master has no significant differences . 4 .

  19. 地方师范类本科院校大学语文课程建设思考

    On the Course Construction of College Chinese in Local Normal Universities

  20. 关于非师范院校举办教师教育的思考非师范类院校普通话培训与测试研究

    Research on the Training and Testing of Mandarin in Non-teacher-training Orientated Colleges or Universities

  21. 河南师范大学油画教学在师资配备,课程设置,生源等方面比之河南省其他高等师范类院校都具备一定的优势。

    Henan normal university teachers teaching in painting , curriculum setting , students with the aspects of other higher than normal institutes of Henan province has certain advantages .