
  1. 我之前从来没搞过师生恋。

    I never had a relationship with a student before .

  2. 理由:颠覆传统思维,开师生恋之先河。

    Reason : Subvert the traditional ideas , and start the love between teachers and students .

  3. 利斯特于今年1月被捕,因为这场师生恋,他已失去了自己的工作。利斯特曾告诉警方,他的婚姻已经没有了爱情,而他和那名女生之间的爱慕是相互的。

    Lister told police his marriage had been " loveless " and that his relationship with the girl was " a mutual thing " .

  4. 但后来女生的母亲发现了一封信,这场师生恋终于东窗事发。最后,利斯特的妻子、35岁的克莱尔-马修斯报了警。

    Lister was arrested when his wife Clare , 35 , went to the police after the victim 's mother found a letter in her daughter 's bedroom .

  5. 但(我以一对师生恋的女儿的身份写这篇文章)你在大学的大多数恋爱不会从此圆满结束。

    But ( and I write this as the daughter of a student-staff relationship ) most relationships you have at uni aren 't going to end happily ever after .

  6. 十年前在机场分别的时候,朱静还给女儿制订了几条规定:不准找外国人当男友,不能当未婚妈妈,不能和学校的老师搞师生恋。

    When they said goodbye at the airport a decade ago , Zhu said she set strict rules for their daughter : Do not find a foreign boyfriend , don 't become a single mother or get in a relationship with her teachers .