
  1. 师带徒的模式有其局限性,无论是教育的数量还是质量都难以得到保障。

    Learning from an expert has limitation on quantity and quality in education .

  2. 依托临床医学院资源优势,通过创新师带徒模式、实施一系列强化训练、实施临床教学质量监控和毕业实习学分制,使临床教学管理规范化、制度化,保证临床带教质量稳步提高;

    Clinical resources of the medical school should be applied to steadily intensify monitoring of the clinical teaching quality and credit system of graduation internship ;

  3. 师带徒是历史上中医学培养人才的固有方法,是继承与发展中医药学的一种好模式,文章就此提出了相应建议。

    The handing-down teaching method is a traditional way to cultivate talents and a good way to inherit and develop traditional Chinese medicine , the author has given his suggestions .

  4. 第二部分是师带徒的信念与方法:这一部分主要从师傅的角度出发,研究师傅关于如何带徒弟的信念、策略和高招。

    The third chapter , faith and the method : this part from the angle of the old teacher , the experienced teacher about " how to train an apprentice " faith , specific methods and ingenious ways .