
  1. 对高职师范类专业实践教学之思考

    A study on practical teaching system for teacher major in vocational education

  2. 新中国成立以来新疆师范类专业美术教育发展研究

    Research on the Development of the Art Education for Students Majoring in Teaching Programs in Xinjiang Since the Foundation of PRC

  3. 而与师范类专业的大学生相比,大多数阳性项目数的均值较低。

    When compared with college students in teacher 's colleges , most of the values in positive items are relatively low .

  4. 加之近几年来初任教师普遍存在教育背景多元化的问题,他们中不仅有毕业于传统的师范类专业的学生,更有经济、工程、法律等各种专业。

    In addition to the problem of diversified educational background of beginning teachers , their majors could be the traditional teacher-class , but economic , engineering , legal and other majors .

  5. 综合性大学师范类专业的教学设计应当遵循三个步骤,即确定教学培养目标、明确教学培养过程、完善教学评价体系。

    The teaching design of teacher education in universities should follow three steps : setting the objectives of cultivation , defining the process of cultivation and perfecting the system of teaching evaluation .

  6. 在实践上,本文将辅导对象从过去的所有大学生具体到师范类专业,研究更具针对性,操作性。

    In practice , the paper would change the counselling object from all college students in the past to the normal kind of professional . It would be more targeted and operability .

  7. 它虽然受到构思的时间局限,但却具有独创的艺术风格,音乐师范类专业的毕业生主要从事与中小学的音乐教育工作,需要毕业生拥有基本音乐的教学能力。

    Although it was the idea of the time constraints , but with a unique artistic style , Music Teacher class graduates engaged in music education with primary and secondary schools need to graduate with basic music teaching ability .

  8. 通过建立省级基础物理实验示范中心的实践,总结了在师范类专业学生中加强“三基”训练,提高他们的动手能力和创新能力以及开放实验室,充分利用实验资源等方面所取得的成效。

    Through building the provincial-level demonstration center of basic physics experiment , this article summarizes the results on strengthening three fundamentals trainings of pedagogical students , improving students ' operating abilities and creative abilities , opening laboratories , and making use of experimental resources .

  9. 通过建立师范类专业技能训练课程体系,改进教学方法,优化教学内容,充分发挥师范类专业技能课的功能,提高学生的教学工作能力,以适应基础教育改革的迫切需要。

    The establishment of the technical and practical ability courses system of teacher & training specialities can improve the teaching method and ability , optimize the teaching content , make the most use of specialities and technical ability courses and meet the needs of the primary education reform .

  10. 提高师范类衍生专业实习教学质量的思考

    Thought on Improving Practice Quality of Specialties Derived from Teacher-training Specialties

  11. 师范类计算机专业《计算机操作系统》课程教学改革研究

    Research on the Teaching Reform of Computer Operating System in Normal University

  12. 地理科学(师范类)专业学生社会适应性研究

    Study on the Social Adaptability of the Students ( Teacher-Training ) Majoring in Geography Science

  13. 从师范类英语专业毕业生就业现状看英语专业教学改革

    Views on English Major Teaching Reform from the Point of Employment Status of Teacher-oriented English Majors

  14. 关于高校师范类英语专业课程设置改革的调查与分析

    A Survey and Analysis of the Curriculum Set-up Reform in the Discipline of English at Normal Universities

  15. 良好的语音语调是师范类英语专业学生必备的第一素质。

    A good pronunciation and intonation is the first important quality for an English - major student in a teachers ' university .

  16. 从近年来师范类英语专业毕业生就业现状来看,毕业生数量与用人岗位的差距、毕业生知识结构及市场需求是造成这种就业现状的成因。

    This paper holds that the differences between graduate number and position number , knowledge structure and market demand , account for the present employment status by analyzing the employment status of teacher-oriented English graduates over these years .

  17. 通过对访谈内容的整理和分析,得出如下结论:1.研究结果师范类餐旅专业学生校外实习所遭遇的适应问题,分别为工作适应、情绪适应、人际适应、生活环境适应等。

    Through the collation and analysis of interview , concluded : 1.The result showed practice for Students of Tourism Management problems encountered by : the work of adjustment , emotional adjustment , interpersonal , living environment adaptation and so on .

  18. 教育实习一直以来都是我国师范类教育专业学生将获得的课堂知识应用到实际工作领域当中去检验的一种形式,目的在于尽早熟悉实际教学工作,为今后走上工作岗位奠定良好的基础。

    Internship has always been a kind of style that teacher education majors put acquired classroom knowledge into practical areas of work , aiming at being familiar with teaching as soon as possible and laying foundation at jobs in the future .

  19. 针对师范类体育专业学生的培养目标,指出现有体育心理学课堂教学中存在的若干弊病,如教学缺乏灵活性、讲授方法过于传统、学生缺少主动参与感和实践机会等。

    Based on the cultivated goals of the normal college students of sport subject , this paper points out several disadvantages existing in instruction of sport psychology , such as lower agility , too traditional ways of lecturing , less participation and practice , etc.

  20. 针对教育教学的改革是一项势在必行、刻不容缓的工作,培养出综合素质高、实践能力强、理论与技能并重的应用型音乐专业人才是新建本科院校师范类音乐专业始终追求的目标。

    So a reform to our current education is imperative and urgent . To raise the application music professionals with high overall quality , strong practical ability , combined with theory and skill is the goal which newly built undergraduate course colleges and universities pursue throughout .

  21. 师范类院校地理专业学生信息素养及培养策略探究

    On Training Informational Literacy of Geography Majors in Teacher 's College

  22. 论师范院校教育类专业课程结构设计

    Design of curriculum structure for education program in higher teachers ' schools

  23. 师范类院校英语专业学生英语学习策略调查

    A survey of Learning strategies of Normal University English Major

  24. 部属师范类高校生物专业课程设置的现状研究

    An Investigation into the Status Quo of Biological Curriculums at the Normal Universities Affiliated to Ministry of Education in China

  25. 琵琶作为师范类高校器乐专业的重要组成课程,其传统的学科定位与教学模式都受到了强烈的冲击。

    Pipa as normal university instrumental professional important curriculum , the traditional subject orientation and teaching patterns are strongly impacted .

  26. 根据高等师范院校电子类专业的专业特点和培养目标要求,提出了新的人才培养目标和课程体系构想。

    According to the features and training goal of electron speciality in higher normal institutions , the authors proposed the new thought of talent training goal and course system .

  27. 基于上述思考,本研究采用实验方式,对不同年级、不同性别的师范类本科物理专业学生自学能力现状、特点和发展规律进行了比较与研究。

    Therefore , we designed an experiment , from the grade and gender , investigate the status and development laws of self-learning ability of physics-major students in undergraduate normal universities .

  28. 虽然张超毕业于北京师范大学科学类专业,但他也很难解释清楚北京雾霾到底包含什么成分。

    Although he graduated as a science major from Beijing Normal University , Zhang says it is difficult for him to give an exact definition of what smog is in Beijing .

  29. 并希望能够为内隐学习理论如何应用于师范类体育教育专业排球普修教学提供一些理论与实践参考。

    And hope to be able to implicit theory of how the study applies to major in Physical Education Teacher Education Course teaching volleyball to provide some reference to theory and practice .

  30. 虽然张超毕业于北京师范大学科学类专业,但他也很难解释清楚北京雾霾到底包含什么成分。他说:雾霾成分太复杂了,而且一直处于变化之中。

    Although he graduated as a science major from Beijing Normal University , Zhang says it is difficult for him to give an exact definition of what smog is in Beijing . It 's too complicated , and its ingredients keep changing .