
  • 网络training evaluation;Evaluate;Training Effect Evaluation;Training effectiveness
  1. 首先,深入研究了员工培训效果评估的相关理论和研究现状。

    First , the article profoundly studied the theories and development of training evaluation .

  2. 第一章梳理了现有的主要的培训效果评估理论,展现出培训投资回报评估的理论背景。

    Chapter 1 : training evaluation theorys and ROI theory 's position in the big picture ;

  3. 最后,针对XA培训效果评估中存在的问题,提出了更适合集团评估现状的培训效果评估体系。

    Finally , more suitable training effectiveness evaluation system is brought out to solve the problem in current situation of the XA Group .

  4. 指挥军官任职培训效果评估量化指标体系研究

    A research on the evaluation index system of commander position training

  5. 全国预防接种异常反应监测省级师资培训效果评估

    Evaluation on Effectiveness of Training on Surveillance of Adverse Events Following Immunization

  6. 越南国家结核病防治规划中的管理培训效果评估

    Management training in Vietnam 's National Tuberculosis Program : an impact evaluation

  7. 企业培训效果评估方法研究

    The Research on the Evaluating Method of the Enterprises ' Training Effectiveness

  8. 企业培训效果评估探讨

    Brief Discussion of The Evaluation of Training Effect of Enterprise

  9. 吉林邮政员工培训效果评估体系研究

    The Study about Training Effect Evaluation System of the Jilin Postal Staff

  10. 但对于销售人员的培训效果评估,企业的重视程度不够。

    However , training effectiveness evaluation of salesman is lack .

  11. 培训效果评估及其在企业的运用

    Evaluating the Training Effects and Its Application in the Enterprise

  12. 培训效果评估的理论和研究

    Some theories and researches about evaluation of training effect

  13. 重庆市公务员培训效果评估体系研究

    Training Effectiveness Evaluation System of Civil Servant in Chongqing

  14. 负责制定培训效果评估考核。

    Developing methods for evaluation of program effectiveness .

  15. 河北、广东省预防接种副反应监测试点培训效果评估

    Evaluation on Effectiveness of Training for AEFI Surveillance Pilot in Hebei and Guangdong Provinces

  16. 培训效果评估怎么做?

    How to make the training effect assessments ?

  17. 培训效果评估不够全面。

    The training effect appraisal insufficiently is comprehensive .

  18. 教师培训效果评估方法的初探

    Probe into Evaluation Method of Teachers ' Training

  19. 培训效果评估的重要性及方法研究

    Strengthening effects evaluation in the training process

  20. 会展企业员工培训效果评估指标体系研究

    Study on the index system for evaluating employees ' training effectiveness in convention & exhibition enterprise

  21. 因此,培训效果评估是职工教育培训的重要环节。

    Therefore , training effect evaluation is a very important link for staff education and training .

  22. 培训效果评估是酒店培训体系的一个关键环节。

    The evaluation of training effect is a key link in the training system in hotels .

  23. 通过对评估指标体系8个步骤的描述,旨在为培训效果评估体系的构建提供思路。

    Elaborated 8 steps of assessing target system for the purpose of providing ideas of this construction .

  24. 本文以中石化A公司培训效果评估为研究对象,在相关理论综述的基础上,针对企业目前的培训效果评估现状及存在的问题,进行了培训效果评估的改进研究。

    In the article , the research object is the training effect evaluation in Sinopec A company .

  25. 山东电力职工技能培训效果评估体系研究

    The Assessment System Study of Skills Training Effectiveness & Based on the Research in Shandong Electric Power Corporation

  26. 因此,发电企业的员工培训效果评估体系需要得到优化。

    Therefore , the training effect evaluation system of the power generation enterprise staff needs to be optimized .

  27. 目前,国外关于培训效果评估的研究比较成熟,而国内关于培训效果评估的研究较少。

    At present , about the training effect appraisal research , overseas researches are more mature than domestic ones .

  28. 企业培训效果评估方案设计研究的回顾与展望

    A Retrospect and Prospect of the Research on the Design of Evaluation Plan for the Training Effect of Enterprise

  29. 甘肃省乙肝疫苗纳入计划免疫和安全注射基层强化培训效果评估

    Effectiveness evaluation of strengthening training on incorporating the hepatitis B vaccination into EPI and safe injection in Gansu Province

  30. 这对健全和完善中石化A公司的培训效果评估工作,指导其实践工作具有重要的意义。

    It is important to improve the training effect evaluation work of Sinopec A company , and to guide the practical work .