
  • 网络Culture-independent;Culture;culture methods
  1. 两种文库的各指数分析说明,非培养法在揭示大曲微生物多样性时要优于培养法。

    Each index of the two librarys analysis shows that the culture-independent method reveals the better diversity of DaQu microbes .

  2. 培养法和PCR法对检测3种口腔常见微生物的比较研究

    Comparison of Culture and PCR Methods for Detection of Oral Common Microorganisms

  3. PCR、DNA荧光染色法与培养法在支原体检测中的比较

    Comparison of PCR , DNA Fluorescent and Cultivation Used for Detection of Mycoplasmas

  4. 采用选择性增菌培养法,对孕妇产道B群链球菌带菌状态及其母婴传播进行调查研究。

    An investigation of vaginal carrier of group B streptococus in pregnant women and maternal-infant transmission was conducted .

  5. 方法绒毛细胞培养法及G显带制作染色体分析。

    Methods Use villus cell culture and the chromosome with G-bands by trypsin using Giemsa .

  6. CT采用胶体金斑点法,UU等均采用培养法。

    UU and other bacterium by means of culture .

  7. 对血清支原体进行检测时,应用直接培养法和DNA荧光染色法或PCR法同时联合应用,以提高对血清中支原体检测的准确性。

    The cultivation combine with DNA fluorescent or PCR method for mycoplasmas detection can improve precision in batches calf serum .

  8. 对196名儿童的唾液样品进行定量PCR检测并进行常规培养法的对比研究。

    The saliva samples of 196 children were quantitative detected . The PCR method was compared with the routine culture method .

  9. 采用间歇淋洗培养法和一级动力学模型研究了培养条件对土壤N素矿化的影响。

    The influence of incubation conditions on soil nitrogen mineralization was studied using the incubation of leaching at intervals and the first order dynamic model .

  10. 用培养法检测UU和MH,用立明衣原体免疫快速法检测CT。

    Using " Clearview Chlamydia " methods to detect CT , culture methods to detect UU and MH .

  11. 方法:CT采用快速检测法,UU与MH的检查采用培养法。

    Methods : Antigen of CT was detected by fast checking , UU and MH were examined by culture .

  12. 应用CaCl2-Ca(OH)2中和滴定法与土壤&石灰培养法联合确定红壤中石灰石的最佳投加量。

    This study uses CaCl 2-Ca ( OH ) 2 neutral titration combined with soil-limestone cultivation to select optimum adding dose of limestone in acid red soil .

  13. 方法应用亲和素生物素酶复合物技术(ABC法)观察UU感染者,并与培养法和PCR法相比较。

    80 clinical specimens were examined by avidin biotin ? peroxidase complex technique ( ABC technique ), PCR method and cultivation .

  14. 结果合格病例616例,培养法检测阳性率6.3%,PCR检测阳性率分别为23.5%~28.7%。

    Results Among 616 eligible patients thirty-nine ( 6.3 % ) cases were culture positive , and PCRs revealed positive rates from 23.5 % to 28.7 % .

  15. PCR法可于每次取血后4h获得结果,而培养法需在7天后才能获得结果。

    The PCR assay could achieve the result at 4h after drawing blood , but the blood culture method need 7 days .

  16. 方法:运用直接法和短期培养法对25例垂体瘤组织进行R显带核型分析。

    Methods : Twenty five samples of primary PA were examined by R banding through direct preparation ( DP ) and short term culture ( STC ) to analyze genomic alterations .

  17. 方法:采用直接法、短期培养法和R显带技术制备染色体,根据复杂分类法进行染色体核型分析。

    Methods : The chromosome were prepared with direct method , brief culture of cells and R-banding techniques , and the karyotypic analysis was performed on the base of complex classification .

  18. 根据国际种子检验规程,采用吸水纸培养法(blottermethod)对来自河北省各地的高梁种子样品进行了种子带菌分析。本文报道了已鉴定出的种子携带真菌,共计17属21种。

    Using blotter method , the mycoflora of Sorghum seeds in Hebei province were examined Twenty one fungal species belong to seventeen genera have been identified .

  19. 经鸡胚背根神经节(DRG)培养法测定具有生物学活性。

    The bioactivity was tested by dorsal root ganglia ( DRG ) of chicken embryo culture .

  20. 用乙炔抑制-土柱培养法测定反硝化损失,不加乙炔培养则测定土壤N2O排放。

    Ammonia volatilization was measured by an enclosure method , and N2O emission and denitrification loss were measured by without and with acetylene inhibition-soil core incubation technique , respectively .

  21. 方法对320例白血病患者采用短期细胞培养法制作骨髓细胞染色体标本并观察DM表达。

    Methods DM was observed in bone marrow cells after short term culture which were derived from 320 patients with verified leukemia by biopsy .

  22. 方法用PCR技术、涂片及培养法对87例菌阳肺结核于治疗期每月检测1次,停药期继续随访2年。

    Method Eighty seven patients with bacillary pulmonary tuberculosis were monthly examined by PCR technique , smear and culture methods , and were followed up for 2 years after treatment .

  23. 方法采用直接法及24h培养法用R或G带显色技术对28例儿童MDS进行遗传学分析。

    Methods Twenty - eight samples from children with MDS were studied by R and G banding karyotype analysis , directly or 24 - hour culture .

  24. 目的:应用离体培养法培养骨髓来源的血管内皮祖细胞(endothelialprogenitorcells,EPCs)并动态观察扩增效能。

    AIM : To culture bone marrow derived endothelial progenitor cells ( EPCs ) using a simple ex vivo expansion method and dynamically observe the expansive efficacy .

  25. 用WOW(Thewellofthewell)培养法和琼脂包埋培养法对去透明带小鼠原核胚进行培养,统计去透明带原核胚的囊胚发育率、囊胚回收率和囊胚细胞数。

    Culturing zona-free embryos in vivo by the well of the well ( WOW ) culture method or agarose embed culture method , the blastocysts developmental rate , recovery rate and cell numbers of blastocyst were counted .

  26. 方法采用悬滴培养法,构建ICA诱导ES细胞体外定向分化为心肌细胞的实验评价体系;

    METHODS With Hanging-drop cultures of ES cells , ICA was used as an inducer of the directional differentiation of ES cells into cardiomyocytes .

  27. 采用半静态培养法测定了29种苯衍生物对黄瓜种子发芽率的48h抑制毒性,并进行了定量结构活性相关研究。

    In this paper , inhibition phytotoxicity of 29 benzene derivatives on seed germination rate of cucumis sativus was investigated .

  28. 方法NB患儿新鲜手术标本,采用组织块培养法、酶消化培养法建立原代细胞系;

    Methods The neuroblastoma specimen was obtained from surgery and the primary cell lines were established by tissue mass culture and enzyme digestion culture respectively .

  29. 目的了解沙眼衣原体(Chlamydiatrachomatis,CT)的发育周期对女性生殖道CT感染的培养法结果、临床表现及抗生素疗效的影响。

    Objective To study whether the Chlamydia Trachomatis ( CT ) growth cycle affects the results of culture of CT infection , clinical symptom and the effectiveness of antibiotics .

  30. 方法采用locke液培养法与直接涂片法检测口腔原虫并进行比较,记录学生的牙龈出血与龋齿情况。

    Method Total protozoa were recorded from direct smears and locke cultures with information on gingival bleeding and dental caries .