
  1. 逆流色谱(Counter-currentChromatography)作为一种液液分配色谱技术,广泛应用于天然产物的分离制备中。

    Counter-current chromatography is a liquid-liquid partitioning chromatography , broadly applied in separation and preparation of natural products .

  2. 报道了一种液相控制沉淀与分解制备Co3O4超微粉的方法。

    A precipitation method to prepare Co_3O_4 ultrafines was reported .

  3. 建立一种液-液微萃取(LPME)与气相色谱(带ECD检测器)联用检测废水中痕量五氯苯酚(PCP)的方法。

    Liquid-phase microextraction ( LPME ) followed by gas chromatography ( GC ) coupled with an electron capture detector ( ECD ) was applied for the analysis of pentachlorophenol ( PCP ) in aqueous samples .

  4. 一种液下机器人超声波定位系统

    System of ultrasonic location for robot working under water

  5. 6种液煤馏分的分离及其元素分析

    Separation method of coal liquid fraction and element analysis

  6. 电沉积是一种液相电化学沉积方法,在历史上已被制备各种多晶薄膜和纳米结构。

    Electrodeposition is a electrochemical deposition method to prepare polycrystal and nanostructures in liquid .

  7. 一种液相色谱检测器&抑制化学发光检测器

    A Liquid Chromatographic Analyser - Inhibitory Chemiluminescence Analyser

  8. 试验应用下述4种液-液物系:煤油-水;

    Four liquid-liquid systems are used in this experiment : ( a ) kerosene-water ;

  9. 本文提出一种液滴尺寸与其带电量的关系及其测试方法。

    This paper describes a relation of the liquid droplet size and its charges , and its measuring method .

  10. 纸浆质量流量计是新研制成功的一种液固两相质量流量计。

    The pulp mass flowmeter , a kind of mass flowmeter metering liquid-solid two-phase mixtures has been developed successfully recently .

  11. 本文介绍了一种液相色谱的分支&分子生物色谱。

    In this paper , a new branch of high performance liquid chromatography-molecular biochromatographyis introduced with biologic molecules as stationary phase .

  12. 本文研究了肝硬变时发生代谢紊乱的四种液递物质&组织胺、去甲肾上腺素、多巴胺及胰高血糖素对正常狗肝脏血流动力学及氧代谢的影响。

    The effects of histamine , norepinephrine , dopamine and glucagon on the hepatic hemodynamics and oxygen uptake by the liver was studied in a total of 26 healthy adult dogs , divided into four groups .

  13. 当蜜蜂叮咬敌人之后,一种酸液就会沿着叮咬的地方进入伤口之中,从而造成剧烈的疼痛。

    When the bee stings , an acid juice flows down the sting into the wound , and causes a smarting pain .

  14. 而F组在三种浸泡液中的溶解值差异无显著性(乃0.05)。

    However , there was no difference among three solutions in F group and D group ( P > 0.05 ) .

  15. 采用逆向乳液聚合新工艺研制了一种酸液胶凝剂KF-1。

    Gelling agent KF-1 for acidizing fluid is developed by reverse phase emulsion copolymerization of acrylic monomers .

  16. 报道了一种通过液相先驱体转化制备碳化钽的方法.用XRD分析材料高温处理后的相组成及晶态结构;

    Tantalum carbide materials were prepared by liquid precursor conversion , and the phase compositions and the microscopic structures of samples were characterized by XRD and SEM , respectively .

  17. 通过对七种固定液和多种载体的选择比较,选取了适合于DEC测定的固定液和载体,即PEG-10000和301釉化担体。

    The PEG-10000 was selected from seven stationary liquid .

  18. 按照设计完井液的思路,根据单一处理剂评选结果,给出了5种完井液配方,并简单分析了MMH钻井液体系保护油层的作用机理。

    MMH is a good system for reservoir protection . Five well completion fluid compositions of MMH are given .

  19. 比较了无菌蒸馏水、NaClO溶液和强酸性水3种处理液对粪便中菌落的灭活效果。

    Meanwhile , we compared disinfection effects of distilled water , NaClO liquid and acidic water , respectively .

  20. 通过静态法及离心法研究了聚合物(HPAM)对O/W型及W/O型两种乳状液稳定性的影响;

    The effect of polymer ( HPAM ) on the stability of the two types of W / O and O / W emulsion have been studied by using static and centrifugal method .

  21. 结果表明:B、C、D3种防腐液均可明显降低肉表面的杂菌(P<0.05)。延长酱牛肉的货架期、其中尤以D液抑茵效果最好(P<0.05)。

    The results showed that all of the B , C , D solution could greatly reduce the bacterial numbers and extended the shelf-life of spiced beef , especially the D solution is best ( P < 0.05 ) ;

  22. 本文提出一种汽液液多相平衡计算新方法,即用FORTRAN语言向商业流程模拟软件PRO/Ⅱ的接口添加用户热力学子程序&用户添加子程序。

    A new method for vapor-liquid-liquid phase equilibrium calculations , based on establishing FORTRAN subroutines for simulation software PRO / II , was adopted for calculation of multiphase equilibria using EOS .

  23. 针对现用的一种电液比例阀控制器的不足之处,本文采用PWM控制技术,提出了一种改进的方案,使之具有原理简单、性能可靠的特点。

    To the deficiency of a kind of controller on electro-hydraulic proportional valves at present , this paper adopts the PWM control technique and puts forward a kind of improved project , for making its principle simple and performance credible .

  24. 采用共聚焦结构,研制了一种高效液相色谱激光诱导荧光检测器(HPLCLIFD)。

    Based on confocal configuration , a laser-induced fluorescence detector ( LIFD ) for high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) is described and evaluated .

  25. 通过3种固定液的比较,结果显示,ODPN能较好的分离食用酒中的MeOH。

    The results suggested that ODPN is the best one for analysing MeOH in edible wine through comparing three stationary phases .

  26. 论文设计了一种电液伺服Stewart平台激振系统,对电液伺服Stewart平台用于低频、重载工况下的空间多自由度振动激励的技术进行了研究。

    This thesis puts emphasis on the design of a Electro-Hydraulic Stewart type platform vibration stimulation system . The purpose of this research is to utilize the Stewart platform as a multi-degree-of-freedom vibration stimulation device which under low-frequency and heavy-duty working circumstances .

  27. 我们和Aquix公司合作,他们生产的一种灌注液在移植前可以帮助恢复器官。

    We are working with a company called Aquix who have produced a perfusate that could help regenerate the organ before transplantation .

  28. 分别选用NH2柱和ODS柱,采用两种高效液相色谱分离模式,建立了调味品及其原料中肌苷酸钠和鸟苷酸钠的定量分析和定性鉴定的方法。

    Two methods were developed for qualitative and quantitative analysis of IMP and GMP in condiments and their raw materials by reversed phase ( on the C 18 column ) and normal phase ( on the NH 2 column ) high performance liquid chromatography .

  29. VMS矿床的矿化模式反映的是一种热液成因,这种热液是深部(1~3km)岩浆侵入所引起并通过海水在热穹隆之上循环产生的。

    Mineralization pattern reflected the hydrothermal genesis of VMS deposits , in which the thermal fluid is generated by the circulation of seawater through heat dome , which in turn is a result of the intrusion of the deep ( 1 ~ 3 km ) magma .

  30. 用DHG586型螯合树脂从拜耳工艺溶液中提取镓时,种分母液组成对树脂吸附容量有很大影响,其中溶液的碱度对吸附容量的影响更明显。

    When gallium is extracted by DHG586 chelated resin from Bayer process solution , the ( pregnant ) solution composite , especially solution alkalinity affects severity the resin adsorption ( capability ) .