
  • 网络species name;specific epithet
  1. 新的研究识别出了一种名为约氏乳酸杆菌(LactobacillusJohnsonii)的细菌,其与防止过敏反应存在很强的关联。

    The new study identified one specific species of bacteria , Lactobacillus johnsonii , that was strongly linked to protection against allergic responses .

  2. 主要研究结果如下:1.利用rDNA-ITS分子鉴定,进一步证实了菌株34-9的属、种名。

    The main results were as follows : 1 . We further confirmed the genus and species name of strain 34-9 by using rDNA-ITS molecular identification .

  3. 医生们用了一种名为光遗传学的开创性技术来试图恢复他的视力。

    Doctors used a pioneering technique called optogenetics to try to restore his vision .

  4. 试管婴儿诊所使用一种名为胚胎镜的技术,为受精的胚胎拍照。

    IVF clinics - using a technique called Embryoscope - take images of fertilised embryos2 .

  5. 现在,英国科学家首次将一种名为“胶质细胞源性神经营养因子”的蛋白质直接注入大脑,希望这样做可以让濒死的细胞再生,甚至逆转病情。

    Now British scientists have , for the first time , given a protein called GDNF directly into the brain in the hope that it could regenerate2 dying cells and even reverse the condition .

  6. 早在2014年,另一组科学家就研制出了最黑的黑色涂层,是一种名为“纳米碳管黑体(Vantablack)”的材料,可吸收的光线之多使每个涂层表面看起来都几乎平坦无形。

    Back in 2014 , another group of scientists developed the blackest possible black coating , a material called ' Vantablack ' , that absorbs so much light it makes every surface look almost invisibly flat .

  7. 罪魁祸首是一种名为“投资组合保险”(portfolioinsurance)的新型投资产品。

    The culprit was a new kind of investment product known as portfolio insurance .

  8. 该样本应用程序模仿一种名为MagicEightBall的美国玩具。

    The sample application emulates an American toy called the Magic Eight Ball .

  9. 调查人员可以使用来源于13个DNA区域一种名为DNA指纹档案信息。

    Investigators can use something called a DNA fingerprint to profile based on information from 13 DNA regions .

  10. 当时甚至还有一种名为Dragon32的威尔士产计算机。

    There was even a Welsh computer , the Dragon 32 .

  11. 用Excel软件编制古生物著作中属种名索引

    Application of Excel software to compile index of genera and species in Palaeontology

  12. 为此,高端手机制造商三星(Samsung)创造了一种名为SAFE的认可标志,来标示适用于企业的产品。

    Enter top phonemaker Samsung , which has created an enterprise-ready seal of approval dubbed safe .

  13. 这种Bt基因来自于一种名为图根菌的细菌。

    The Bt genes came from a bacterium called Bacillus thuring ensis .

  14. BrowserID基于一种名为邮件验证协议(VerifiedEmailProtocol)的新协议。

    BrowserID is based on a new protocol called Verified Email Protocol .

  15. 例如,谷歌正在测试一种名为Gears的扩展浏览器,其中就添加了这一功能。

    Google , for instance , is testing a browser extension called Gears that adds this capability .

  16. JDBC支持一种名为异构批处理的批处理形式。

    JDBC supports a form of batching called homogeneous batching .

  17. 她们都长着鹅蛋脸,尖下巴。看上去似乎是接受了一种名为V脸整形的整容手术。

    Their faces are oval with sharp , pointed chins that seem to have undergone a certain procedure called V-line surgery .

  18. 从移动导航系统对路网数据的信息要求出发,针对以往路网数据模型的不足,探讨了一种名为HOT的层次化路网模型。

    Based on the analysis of mobile navigation system 's information requirement to route data , a hiberarchy of topologized ( HOT ) route network model was proposed .

  19. Bayeux实现支持一种名为长轮询的特定HTTP方法。

    Bayeux implementations support a specific HTTP method called long polling .

  20. PEX还有一种名为配置文件(profile)的模式,允许进行应用程序性能分析。

    PEX also has a mode , called profile , that allows for application performance analysis .

  21. 现在,另一种名为JSON的格式,因为克服了这些问题而流行起来。

    These days , another format called JSON is very popular in overcoming some of these issues .

  22. 对世界充满担忧,可能引起一种名为威胁僵化(threatrigidity)的反应领导人缩减权力、减少试验和充分运用现有资源。

    Viewing the world fearfully can provoke a response known as threat rigidity in which leaders contract authority , reduce experimentation and extend existing resources .

  23. 一种名为PhoneSoap的新产品的发明者表示,这种设备可以在手机充电时,使用C波紫外线来对其进行清洁,此设备将于2013年1月开始投入市场。

    Creators of a new product called PhoneSoap say it uses UV-C light to clean the phone while charging it , and that the device will begin shipping to consumers in January 2013 .

  24. 举例来说,早在10多年前,宝洁公司(Procter&Gamble)就创设了一种名为“产品类别经理”(categorymanagers)的新管理岗位,其职能是管理多种品牌。

    It is more than a decade , for example , since Procter & Gamble created a new cadre of " category managers " to oversee multiple brands .

  25. 如今这儿仍种着一种名为玫瑰蜜(RoseHoney)的非酿酒用葡萄,云南另外一家葡萄酒厂——云南红葡萄酒厂(YunnanRed)——则把它酿制成了特甜红葡萄酒。

    here a non-vinifera variety called Rose Honey that is still made into distinctly odd sweet reds by the province 's only other winery , Yunnan Red .

  26. 一些最初的调查结果显示,有数万只的袋獾因为感染上了一种名为“袋獾面部肿瘤”(DevilFacialTumorDisease)的疾病而死亡。

    The results of the first investigative survey revealed that tens of thousands of Tasmanian devils had died from a disease now known as Devil Facial Tumor Disease .

  27. 它们可能还会逐渐耗尽你具有的创业才能,因为它们强迫你进入一种名为MBA通行证的模版。

    They might also sap what entrepreneurial flair you have as they force you into the template called an MBA pass .

  28. 事实上,她们患了一种名为“产后忧郁症”(简称ppd)的疾。

    They are actually suffering from a disease called postpartum depression , or ppd .

  29. 全球网络安全公司GroupIB表示,黑客运用一种名为“自动吐钞”的程序攻击银行的中央系统,从而使多台自动取款机同时自动吐出现钞。

    Hacks of banks ' centralised systems had made groups of machines issue cash simultaneously , a process known as " touchless jackpotting , " said Group IB.

  30. 在IDS中,有两种名为ontape和onbar的实用工具。

    In IDS , there are two utilities named ontape and onbar .