
  • 网络Race Inheritance
  1. 种族遗传因素对血脂水平的影响

    The effect of heredity on the level of blood lipids

  2. 本研究考虑,2型糖尿病毕竟是一种多基因相关的疾病,它的病因涉及种族遗传、环境区域等众多因素。

    Considering that type 2 diabetes after all is a multi-gene-related disease and its etiology is related to racial heredity , environment , regional and many other factors .

  3. 关于不同种族的人们存在遗传差异的假设,在医疗环境下可能会特别危险。

    Assumptions about genetic differences between people of different races could be particularly dangerous in a medical setting .

  4. 因此对提升人类有用的意愿是,研究并从自身红族根种族中召唤来遗传磁性DNA,并在提升中融入它。

    Therefore a useful intention for ascending humans is to research and pull forward the magnetic DNA from one 's red nation root race inheritance and embody this through ascension .

  5. 例如,在种族或阶层的遗传鉴定中,可以利用X染色体标志物确定个人所属的种族或阶层。

    For example , in a genetic race or class distinction the use of the X chromosome markers can be used for the identification of a person 's ethnicity or class .

  6. 根据一个负责对人们在公共场合讲话进行录音的组织发现,讲话者在发音时会遇到困难舌头打结的还有:ethnicity(种族)hereditary(遗传的)和particularly(特别地)。

    Speakers also have a problem getting their tongue around ethnicity , hereditaryand particularly , according to the body charged with recording public utterances .

  7. 甲亢性周期性麻痹(TPP)是甲亢的一种合并症,其发生存在着明显的性别和种族差异,由于遗传因素与环境因素相互作用而发病。

    Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis ( TPP ) is a complication of hyperthyroidism . The development of TPP has evident discrepancy of sex and race of people , its onset is due to the interaction of genetic factor and environmental factor .

  8. 骨质疏松症相关表型的种族差异及其相关遗传决定的研究四种遗传性鱼鳞病基因型与临床表型的相关性分析

    Ethnic Difference in Osteoporosis Related Phenotypes and Its Potential Underlying Genetic Determination ; Analysis on the Genotype and Clinical Phenotype Correlations of Four Style Heritage Ichthyosis

  9. 集体无意识通过种族记忆的方式遗传下来,形成一种与生俱来的心理模式,一种对客观世界的某些方面作出反应的先天倾向。

    Collective unconsciousness is a kind of mental model and inborn disposition , passing down through racial memory and responding to some aspect of the objective world .

  10. 根据普遍道德的模式,种族或阶层的遗传鉴别或其它任何涉及人类基因组计划的争论都能够依靠一套普遍道德标准来衡量。

    Based on the pattern of common morality , the issues of genetic race or class distinction or any other controversies involving the Human Genome Project can be put to a set of common moral standards .

  11. 这一结果与其他种族中的研究结果不完全相同,提示即使是肥胖相关的2型糖尿病,种族、遗传因素仍然在糖尿病发展过程中发挥着重要作用。

    It suggested that even in obesity related type 2 diabetes , ethnic and genetic factors were the major factors for the development of diabetes .