
  • 网络Sky News
  1. 在接受天空新闻台(SkyNews)的采访时,哈里王子说:

    Discussing his own marital plans in an interview with Sky News , he said :

  2. 我们坚持认为这些行动是正当的,从内容角度看是有理由并符合公众利益的。天空新闻台负责人约翰赖利(JohnRyley)在一份声明中表示,我们并非轻率或经常做出这样的决定。

    We stand by these actions as editorially justified and in the public interest , John Ryley , the head of Sky News said in a statement . We do not take such decisions lightly or frequently .

  3. 一架隶属“天空新闻台”的直升机很快就在医院上空盘旋,同时有250名记者来到医院,其中最远的来自澳大利亚及日本。

    A Sky News helicopter was soon circling above , and as many as 250 journalists came to the hospital from as far away as Australia and Japan .

  4. 天空新闻台网站上的一个互动板块还有达尔文太太的一封语音邮件,但一位发言人称,该邮件也是通过达尔文夫妇电脑上的电子邮件账户获取的。

    An interactive feature on the Sky News website also featured a voicemail message from Mrs Darwin , but a spokeswoman said that this , too , had been obtained via the Darwins ' computer-based email accounts .

  5. 意识形态可能变化不定,但曾在英国天空新闻电视台(SkyNews)长期担任外交事务主编的马歇尔表示,地缘政治的现实始终延续。

    Ideologies may come and go but , says Marshall , who served a long stint as diplomatic editor of Britain 's Sky News , such geopolitical facts of life endure .

  6. 布朗的金融大臣蒂姆斯在接受英国天空新闻电视台采访时说,由于最近的全球经济动荡,布朗首相希望能看到一些变革,包括增加对银行内部的监管。

    Timms says because of the recent global economic turmoil , the prime minister wants to see a number of changes brought in , including increased internal oversight at the banks .

  7. 英国天空广播公司(bskyb)运营的天空新闻电视台(skynews)承认曾侵入犯罪嫌疑人的电子邮件,但表示此举是出于公众利益。

    Sky News , the British news channel run by BSkyB , has admitted hacking emails of individuals suspected of criminal activity but said that it did so in the public interest .