
  • 网络astronomical charts;Google sky map;astronomical ceiling
  1. 墓顶的以莲花为中心的天象图体现了以佛土为中心的宇宙观。

    The star-maps , with lotus in its center , on the domes of the graves embody the universal views regarding the Buddhist land as its center .

  2. 她后来回到家,笑着告诉我说,看“疯子奥尼”的X光片就像在看一张天象图:仍然留在他体内的12颗子弹使她想起了流星。

    She came home afterward and laughingly told me that looking at his X-ray was like visiting a planetarium : the twelve bullets still in his body reminded her of shooting stars .

  3. 为预测天象对人事的影响,占星术士须绘制出一幅图来,标明特定时刻,如一个人的诞生时刻的天象。这幅图称为天宫图。

    Astrologers learn about the influence of the heavenly bodies on what happens on the earth by casting ( drawing ) a circular chart called a horoscope , which shows the position of heavenly bodies at certain times , such as when a person in born .