
  1. 你从没站在那儿观赏美丽的天顶画。

    You never actually stood there and looked up at that beautiful ceiling .

  2. 天顶画一个伟大之处是,你可以站在它下面的任意位置,欣赏这个独特的艺术作品。

    One great aspect of the ceiling is that you can stand just about anywhere underneath it and view a single , distinct work of art .

  3. 除了上面说到的艺术形式、艺术技巧方面的价值以外,这一点可以说是米开朗琪罗的西斯廷天顶画给后人留下的最高的艺术价值。

    It can be said that this , besides the artistic styles and techniques mentioned above , is Michelangelo 's most valuable bequest to future generations .

  4. 艺术是完全主观的,所以很难找到一件艺术作品让所有人都为之惊诧。然而,你可能不会听到太多关于反对罗马西斯廷教堂天顶画的观点。

    Since art is completely subjective , it 's impossible to find a single work of art that everyone would agree is breathtaking , but you probably won 't hear too many arguments against the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome .

  5. 如今,旅客走在前面,可以看到主站厅那著名的天顶壁画,上面画着星星和星座。

    Now , passengers walking in front can see the famous sky ceiling of the main concourse , with its depictions of stars and constellations .