
ài rén rú jǐ
  • Love your neighbor as yourself.;love a person as oneself
爱人如己 [ài rén rú jǐ]
  • 善待他人就像爱惜自己一般。如:“难得他爱人如己,愿把如此庞大的家产,捐给慈善机构。”

爱人如己[ài rén rú jǐ]
  1. 若你爱人如己时,你会偏心待人吗?

    Will you show favoritism when you really love others as yourself ?

  2. 爱人如己是一切律法的总纲。

    K.Love sums up the whole Law .

  3. 弟兄姐妹们,这是支持我们为何要「爱人如己」的四个理由。

    Child of God , here are four reasons why we should love our neighbors .

  4. 基督宗教的教义始终主张,爱人如己是一种指向所有邻人的普世之爱。

    One of the Christian doctrine claims that love should be universal for all neighbors .

  5. 其次也相仿,就是要爱人如己。

    And the second is like unto it , thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself .

  6. 我们的口号培育孩子“同舟共济,爱人如己”的品格精神!

    Our slogan foster children " solidarity , love your neighbor as yourself " character spirit !

  7. 犹太教及基督教的教训指导我们以爱人如己去回应神的爱;

    Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God 's love by loving our neighbors as ourselves ;

  8. 人生目的宣言4:我要爱人如己,用我的恩赐与特色去服事。

    Life purpose statement # 4 : I want to love my neighbor as myself and to use my gift to serve him .

  9. 因为全律法都包在爱人如己这一句话之内了。

    For all the law is made complete in one word , even in this , Have love for your neighbour as for yourself .

  10. 一个宣扬爱人如己的宗教,却倚恃治外法权的庇护走向了它的反面。

    Under the protection of extraterritoriality , this religion , that had taught one to love others as oneself , turned to its opposite .

  11. 文中也渗透着博爱的基督教精神,基督教感恩之心、爱人如己的博爱观念对她影响很深。

    This paper is also filled with the spirit of Christian love . Christian gratitude and love of your neighbor as yourself affected her deeply .

  12. 生活中真正要紧的事情一是自食其力、不做寄生虫,一是爱人如己。

    The really serious things in life are earning one 's living so as not to be a parasite , and loving one 's neighbour .

  13. 经上记着说,要爱人如己。你们若全守这至尊的律法才是好的。甚至他那些异议也被广泛引用,而且有的还促成了法律上的修改。

    If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture ," Love your neighbor as yourself ," you are doing right . Even his dissents were widely quoted , and some prompted legislative changes .

  14. 而且,基督教继承《圣经》中爱人如己的道德诫命,提倡济贫,并使之成为财富占有者的义务和教会的责任。

    Moreover , it has succeeded the moral commandment of ' love your neighbor as yourself in the Bible , and advocated helping the poor and made it the obligation of the wealth owners and Christian churches .

  15. 而受到基督教精神浸润的文学作品则更为强调要践行基督教的爱上帝和爱人如己的诫命,如此,才能与基督同死同活,在挚爱中得到救赎。

    The works that are influenced by Christian spirit insist that only human being carry out the imperative of loving the God and loving your neighbor as yourself , can human being die and rise with Christ and be saved in God 's love .

  16. 人应当成为每一个人的朋友,此之谓人的天性;人也应当引导众人行善,此之谓人的智慧;人还应当爱人如己,此之谓人的信仰。

    One is to become a friend of every one , and this is thy nature ; also , bring them on into good-ness , and this is thy wisdom ; also , consider them as thine own , and shis is thy religion .

  17. 我见到了理查德·沃特森·吉尔德先生和埃德蒙德·克拉伦斯·斯泰德曼先生,还结识了查尔斯·达德利·沃纳先生。他是最讨人喜欢的“说书人”,也是我最钟爱的友人;他有着无比深切的同情心,爱人如己。

    I also knew Mr. Charles Dudley Warner , the most delightful of story-tellers and the most beloved friend , whose sympathy was so broad that it may be truly said of him , he loved all living things and his neighbour as himself .

  18. 爱人如爱己,助人尽忠诚。

    Love others as yourself , Help others with all your heart .