
shí jiɑnɡ
  • mason;stonemason
石匠 [shí jiàng]
  • [stonemason] 石工

  1. 卢修斯成了石匠的学徒。

    Lucius got apprenticed to a stonemason .

  2. 石匠贝茨说,石头就是我的生命。

    Stonemason Bates said , Stone 's my life .

  3. 工匠和石匠的工具,和医生,牙医或者CEO的工具一样重要,

    And the tools of craftsmen and the masons are just as important as the tools of the doctor and the dentist or the CEO ,

  4. 有一个年迈的石匠,意外地获得了一块魔石。

    A old masons , accidentally get a magic stone .

  5. 劳动社会化:一个石匠的就业社会史

    Socialization of Labor : A Mason 's Employment Social History

  6. 石匠用来遮盖墙的粘结剂。

    Used as a bond in masonry or for covering a wall .

  7. 石匠用锤子一点一点地把那块石头击碎。

    The mason was chipping away at the rock with a hammer .

  8. 这两处建筑都是古代技艺精湛的石匠们的作品。

    Both of these are the work of ancient , skilled stonemasons .

  9. 千百年来,手工艺人与石匠几乎做着类型相似的工作。

    For centuries the craft remained largely the same .

  10. 石匠工作台,雕刻家工作台。

    A workbench used by a mason or sculptor .

  11. 态度决定发展方向开发商你会是哪一种石匠?

    Attitude will decide the development orientation of developers which a mason you ?

  12. 并专程从意大利雇来石匠来建造能够俯瞰城市的奢华别�

    They hire stonemasons from Italy to build luxury mansions overlooking the city .

  13. 他雕刻大理石的速度比任何石匠都快。

    He carved marble faster than any mason .

  14. 就是那卖野菜的,“小石匠”的父亲,斯带地的父亲,

    the vegetable-vender , the father of the little mason , Stardi 's father ,

  15. 他低头一看,看见在他的脚下有一个石匠。

    He looked down and saw far below him the figure of a stonecutter .

  16. “对不起,我办不到,”石匠说,“要是这样的话,违反了一个坟墓只能埋葬一个人的法律。

    " Sorry , but I can 't do that ," replied the stonecutter .

  17. 她是受当石匠的父亲影响而对雕塑发生了兴趣。

    Her interest in sculpture developed from her father 's work as a mason .

  18. 快来欣赏北风的石匠手艺。

    Come see the north wind 's masonry .

  19. 此外,战争年代过后,技术熟练的石匠已所剩无几。

    Besides , there are very few skilled stone workers left after the war years .

  20. 石匠给石头以形状。

    The sone-mason gave the sone shape .

  21. 魔石就满足了老石匠的第一个祈愿,使他变成了一棵青松。

    Magic stone will satisfy the old masons first wish that he became a pine trees .

  22. 为了把楣石固定不动,工匠们第一次运用上了石匠技艺。

    To get the lintels to stay in place , the first stonemasonry techniques were used .

  23. 石匠施工中使用的泥铲。

    A trowel used in masonry .

  24. 很少有人想到过一个基础性的事实:瓜迪奥拉是个石匠的孩子。

    No one took into account the fundamental fact that Guardiola is the son of a mason .

  25. 而我担心这一辈的石匠。已经没了他们父辈的技艺了。

    And I 'm afraid the masons today are not fit to carry their fathers ' hammers .

  26. 从前有一个石匠,他对自己和自己在生活中所扮演的角色都感到非常不满意。

    There was once a stonecutter who was dis-satisfied with himself and with his position in life .

  27. 石匠在他前面的大理石板上刻出·保·罗两个字的时候,唱着歌曲,吹着口哨。

    The mason sings and whistles as he chips out P-A-U-L in the marble slab before him .

  28. 还有石匠用窑烧砖在东西和南北向的棋盘式街道边,建造多层的楼房。

    Masons employed kiln-fired brick to build multistory houses that were placed along north-south and east-west street grids .

  29. 那我就请你老爸务必在你那座塔垮塌之前,多抓几个石匠过来。

    I 'll be sure to tell your father to arrest more stonemasons , before your tower collapses .

  30. 因此,他雇了制造景观的艺术家、雕刻家和石匠,来将这个梦幻世界变为现实。

    Accordingly , he employed scenic artists , sculptors , and stonemasons to turn that dreamworld into concrete reality .