
  • 网络balausta
  1. 带有柑桔、杏、石榴果的香气;

    Aromas of citrus , lime , stone-fruit and apricot .

  2. 珠妮在他吃完两大口石榴果红皮之后将他叫住。

    Ju-nie stopped him after he had two big bites of the red skin of a pomegranate .

  3. 以石榴果为原料,经榨汁并调整糖度后,采用优良酿酒酵母进行发酵,酿制出石榴果酒。

    Using pomegranate as raw material , pomegranate fruit wine was produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiaes fermentation and added with sugar to adjust sugar content after pulping or juicing .

  4. 富铬中药组用富铬中药制剂(商品名舒糖宝,由荔枝、沙田柚、番石榴等果类提取制成,富含铬元素),按每鼠2mL,加到自来水瓶中,自由饮用每天饮完;

    Rats in the chromium-rich Chinese drug group ( Shutangbao , extracted from lychee , sand field shaddock and guava , it is rich in chromium ) were given tap water with 2 mL of chromium-rich Chinese drug in .

  5. 水果类:柠檬、苹果、杏仁、香蕉、芒果、樱桃、西柚、荔枝、木瓜、葡萄、番石榴、奇异果、士多啤梨、橙等。

    Fruit : lemon , apple , almond , banana , mango , cherry , grapefruit , lychee , papaya , grapes , guava , kiwi , strawberry , orange and so on .