
  • 网络The Republic of Plato
  1. 如果你有力量,就投入行动,不要环顾左右看是否有什么人将注意它,也不要期望柏拉图的理想国。

    Set thyself in motion , if it is in thy power , and do not look about thee to see if any one will observe it ;

  2. 苏格拉底建立和谐城邦的设想对于柏拉图的理想国和亚里士多德的优良城邦的思想的形成均有重要的影响。

    Socrates ' assumptions to establish a harmonious city had great influences on the formation of Plato 's " Idealistic Country " and " Aristotle 's Perfect Country " .

  3. 他写了生平第一篇长论文,讨论柏拉图的《理想国》(Republic),期望能拿到高分。

    He wrote his first long paper on Plato 's " Republic , " expecting a top grade .

  4. 太多这方面的论述,但在第,II,册,记得吗,他花了相当篇幅,评论柏拉图的《理想国》,因为后者对其公民。

    We didn 't really pause to talk much about this ? but in Book II you remember he criticizes at considerable length Plato 's Republic for the excessive unity it demands of its citizens .

  5. 将这论点放到书中,在柏拉图的《理想国》书中,that,Polemarchus,,from,Plato's,Republic,应会了解,友敌是政治生活的自然演变,与根深蒂固的类别。

    To put the argument in terms Polemarchus would have known , friend and enemy are natural and ineradicable categories of political life .

  6. 但柏拉图的《理想国》并未体认到这种区隔,或是这种私人领域的自主性。

    But Plato 's Republic recognizes no such separation or no such independence for a private sphere .

  7. 在柏拉图的《理想国》中,诗歌与音乐的艺术地位是不相同的。

    In Plato 's Republic , the artistic status of poetry and that of music are quite different .

  8. 在柏拉图的《理想国》中,诗的教化与哲学的教化之间的争吵贯穿全篇。

    The quarrel between the education of poesy and the education of philosophy in republic runs through Plato 's Republic .

  9. 柏拉图的《理想国》各位在我们继续阅读中,自会发现是一种很特别的理想国。

    Plato 's Republic is , we will discover as you read , it is a republic of a very special kind .

  10. 柏拉图的《理想国》是西方政治思想史上的一本巨著,它对西方政治思想具有难以估量的影响。

    Platos work Republic is a great work in the history of western political thought , which has been an immense influence on the development of western political ideas .

  11. 若说柏拉图的“理想国”经过了两千年才到达美洲,那么贾斯汀的新专辑在数天之内就能出现在希腊或日本的音像店里。

    If it took two millenniums for Plato 's " Republic " to reach North America , the latest hit from Justin Timberlake can be found in Greek ( and Japanese ) stores within days .

  12. 柏拉图的《理想国》就是一部“正义论”。在《理想国》一书中,柏拉图从批判可经验的具体正义着手,引出了国家的正义概念。

    Plato 's Republic , or the Ideal State , is the search after justice , in which he started with criticizing concrete and perceptible justice and introduced the concept of a State perfected by justice .

  13. 孔子和柏拉图的政治思想在理想国、哲学王或贤人政治、为政以德等方面有同有异。

    There are similarities and differences between political thoughts of Confucius and Plato with regard to ideal state , philosophy king or wisdom politics , governing by morality and so on .

  14. 不过,柏拉图的哲人王统治的理想国远离了现实政治,使得教好公民做好人的公民教育成为一种遥远的理想。

    However , the Plato 's republic ruled by philosopher king was far away from the real politics , and it made the education of teaching a good citizen to be a good person be a ' faraway ideal ' .