
  • 网络Lambda Velorum
  1. 我也知道很多人会写游记,把旅途的每一天记下来,嘛,我的做法算是简化版的。

    I also know a lot of people who write down their travel stories and keep an account for every single day in the trip . Well , I do the simplified version .

  2. 5年前,中国签署协议、加入世贸组织(WTO),自那以后,在华开展业务的外资商业银行,便把2006年12月11日这一天,记在了自己的日记本上。

    December 11 2006 has been pencilled into the diaries of foreign commercial banks operating in China ever since the country agreed to join the World Trade Organisation five years ago .

  3. 东西方文化交流中的《哈姆莱特》&莎士比亚《哈姆莱特》的一个特殊译本《天仇记》

    Hamlet in the Cross-Cultural Communication of East and West : Tian Chou Ji , A Unique Chinese Version of Hamlet ;

  4. 限定:不要尝试在一天内记一本字典!设定你自己一天15个字汇,然后你将会有自信而不觉压力过重。

    Limit : don 't try to memorize the dictionary in a day ! Limit yourself to15 words per day , and you 'll gain confidence instead of feeling overwhelmed .

  5. 毕业之夜的纵酒狂欢的聚会,导致辆汽车被毁,家长因不悦提出的诉讼两起,还有许多为大多数参加聚会的人第二天就记不得的新名堂。

    The bacchanalian partying on graduation night resulted in three wrecked cars , two lawsuits by unamused parents , and more new experiences than most of the participants could remember the next day .

  6. 这一天将被记在历史上。

    This day will go down in history .

  7. 我苦想冥想了整整一天,结果记不起那家伙的名字。

    I 've cudgeled my brains all day and I still can 't remember that chap 's name .

  8. 我们爱过的每一天我都记在心里面,就算分开也让你知道对你从没敷衍。

    We have loved every day I all bear in mind the surface , even if separates also lets you know ever has not been perfunctory to you .

  9. TNF-α预刺激4h后加入粒细胞巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(GM-CSF)及IL-4,48、96h再次同时加入上述3种细胞因子并继续培养,第8~10天收集细胞,记作T-DC。

    After 48 and 96 h , the 3 cytokines were simultaneously added to the medium for further culture .

  10. 天啦,我记都不用记就能回答你!

    God , I can tell you don 't even remember !

  11. 这些天几乎什么也记不着了。

    These days almost everything slipped form her mind .

  12. 我总说,记日记吧,终有一天,它会记下你的一生。

    I always say , keep a diary , and some day it 'll keep you .

  13. 一天结束之后被记下来的人会被请入“马戏表演”

    and at the end of the day those on the list were invited to a " circus . "

  14. 遇到危重病人时,同一天里可能要记好几次病程记录。

    Occasionally with critically ill patients , it will be necessary to record several progress notes during the same day .

  15. 他的眼神从杰克的下巴移开,那里在最后一天被他一记重拳打得乌青。

    He looked away from Jack 's jaw , bruised blue from the hard punch Ennis had thrown him on the last day .

  16. 美国国务院请凯泽把该团队在六月和七月最终完成房屋建造时期的七天经历写成大事记。

    The State Department asked Kyser to chronicle seven days in June and July when the team was finalizing work on the house .

  17. 第二天,他们要记一张词汇表,以检测其大脑工作的性能如何。

    On the second day they were asked to memorise a list of words while their brains were monitored to see how efficiently they were working .

  18. 又是安静的一天,这一天其实不记也罢。

    There was always matter in out kitchen sink .