
  • 网络seed coating;seed dressing;seed pelleting
  1. 基于单片机控制的种子包衣控制系统的设计

    The Design of Seed Coating Control System Based on Single-chip Control

  2. 种子包衣肥理化特性和生物学效应研究

    Studies on Physical-Chemical Characteristics and Biological Effects of Seed Coating Fertilizer

  3. 甜玉米种子包衣种植效果研究初报

    Studies on effects of seed - coating planting on sweet corn

  4. 种子包衣处理新方法对玉米幼苗的影响

    Effects of Seed Lagging Cover New Treatment method on Corn Seedling

  5. 种子包衣对微胚乳玉米种子发芽过程中生理生化变化的影响

    Affect on the Bio-chemical Changes of Micro-endosperm Super-high-oil Corn During Germination

  6. 高吸水树脂的合成及其在种子包衣中的应用研究水性肠溶型聚丙烯酸树脂类药物包衣材料的研制

    The Study of Aqueous Enteric Poly-acrylic Acid Resin Used for Film-coating Material

  7. 种子包衣剂的合成和性能研究

    Study on Synthesis and the Properties of Seed Coating Agents

  8. 种子包衣剂定量供给装置

    Development of a New Quantitative Feeding Device for Seed Coating

  9. 水稻种子包衣处理的增产效应

    The Effect on Increasing Production of Rice Seed Coat Treatment

  10. 苦参碱在大豆种子包衣剂中应用效果试验初报

    The Preliminary Study on Effect of Applying Matrine Soybean Seed Coating Agent

  11. 轻小型种子包衣机的研制及最佳滚筒转速的研究

    The Development of a Small and Light Seed-coating Ma-chine

  12. 种子包衣需要由种子包衣机完成。

    Seed-coating equipment is necessary in applying the technique .

  13. 种子包衣后黄芪生长性状与药材品质的研究

    Research on Growth Traits and Herbal Quality of Astragalus Membranaceus by Seed Coated

  14. 攀西地区水稻种子包衣效果研究

    The paddy rice seed of the Panxi region wraps the dress result research

  15. 种子包衣处理技术在花生上的效应分析

    Effects of Seed Coating Formulation in Peanut Developing Process of the word peanut

  16. 油菜种子包衣剂的筛选及应用研究

    An Applied Study and Screening of Rapeseed Coating Agent

  17. 种子包衣与施磷肥对烤烟生长及养分累积的影响

    Effects of Seed Coating and P Application on Tobacco Growth and Nutrient Accumulation

  18. 种子包衣剂多·克·福经皮染毒对大鼠的亚急性毒性

    Observation on Sub-acute Toxicity of CCT Seed Wrapper to Rats by Skin Contamination

  19. 抗旱微肥种子包衣液的研制和应用试验

    Preparation and application tests on coating seeds agent

  20. 农作物种子包衣技术研究进展

    The Research Development of Crop Seed Coating Technology

  21. 种子包衣技术及其在草坪建植中的应用

    Seeds-coating technique and its application to establishing turf

  22. 甘薯淀粉接枝共聚高吸水树脂的合成及在种子包衣上的应用研究

    Synthesis of sweet potato starch grafted copolymer super absorbent resin and its application to seed-coating

  23. 稀土微肥及亚麻种子包衣在亚麻生产中的作用

    The Role of Rare-earth and the Wrapper of Flax Seed in the Production of Flax

  24. 蕹菜种子包衣效应研究初报

    Study on Seed Coatings of water spinach

  25. 种子包衣已成为防治农作物病虫害重要手段。

    Seed coating has been a key method of preventing plant diseases and insect pests .

  26. 牧草种子包衣最佳配方的试验研究

    Study on optimal seed coated formulation selections

  27. 番茄种子包衣剂的研究&杀菌剂和激素的筛选

    Studies on seed coating formulation in tomato - selection of the germicides and the hormones

  28. 本发明公开了一种用于种子包衣的成膜剂及其制备方法。

    The invention discloses a film former for seed coating and the preparation method thereof .

  29. 水稻种子包衣的生物学效应研究初报

    Biological effect of rice seed-coated treatment

  30. 种子包衣壳聚糖膜性能的研究

    Study on seed coating chitosan membrane