
  • 【经】training function
  1. 关于企业培训职能外包的可行性分析

    A Feasibility Study on Training Outsourcing of Enterprises

  2. 履行组织学习培训职能,推动教师自身素质的提升,是教研组建设的首要任务;

    The chief mission of the construction of teaching group is to implement the function of organizing study and training , and to improve teachers , quality .

  3. 我国救生员培训机构职能与国外不同,救生培训机构缺乏一定的监督机制,影响救生员的培养质量。

    Different from those of foreign countries , our lifeguard training system lacks certain supervising mechanism as well as variety in the types of lifeguards .

  4. 高等职业教育担负着一种岗位资格证书培训的职能,它在我国劳动就业制度中显得越来越重要。

    Higher vocational education is in possession of a kind of function of job qualified certificate training , which is becoming more and more important in our nation 's labor occupation system .

  5. 农民工职业培训多元合作的职能探索

    Exploration on Functions of Multi-cooperation of Vocational Training of Rural Labourers

  6. 通过量化培训对组织的价值,来增强培训职能的可信度。

    Improve the credibility of the training function by quantifying training 's worth to the organisation .

  7. 把培训从成本中心变成利润来源,以增强培训职能的可信度和力量。

    Mprove the credibility and power of the training function by becoming profit instead of cost centered .

  8. 本文从培训需求评估、培训项目开发与实施、培训效果评估三方面来分析M公司具体培训职能上存在的问题第三章针对上一章分析提出了改善对策。

    Chapter 3 . This chapter gives detailed solutions for training function in M company .