
  • fire station;fire department;Fire Brigade
  1. B:哦,天哪!马上给消防局打电话。

    B : Oh , my God ! Call the fire station right now .

  2. 谁在消防局工作?

    Who works in the fire station ?

  3. 据美国国家消防局(NationalFireProtectionAgency)进行的调查统计显示,73%的烟雾探测器由于线路断开、损坏或缺少电池而未能在失火期间发出报警声。

    According to the National Fire Protection Agency , 73 % of smoke detectors fail to go off during fires because they were disconnected , broken , or missing batteries .

  4. 消防局每个月视察该市所有的酒吧和KTV。

    The fire department inspects all pubs and KTVs in the city on a monthly basis .

  5. 他的葬礼将于周五在长岛圣詹姆斯的圣斐理伯与圣雅各伯教堂(Sts.PhilipandJamesChurch)举行,消防局各部门也将举行盛大悼念仪式,组织大量消防员和官员参加。

    His funeral will be held Friday at Sts . Philip and James Church in St. James on Long Island , with the expansive pageantry and huge turnout of firefighters and officers that accompany all departmental ceremonies .

  6. 《19号消防局》向当地消防站捐赠了N95口罩,《实习医生格蕾》向洛杉矶当地医院捐赠了库存的白大褂和手套。

    Station 19 donated N95 masks to the local fire station while Grey 's is donating their backstock of gowns and gloves to local Los Angeles hospitals .

  7. 天津消防局领导在商讨抢救措施。

    Tianjin Fire Bureau leaders are discussing rescue measures .

  8. 市长宣布了消防局局长的辞职。

    The mayor announced the fire commissioner 's resignation .

  9. 他应该今晚八点要回消防局当值。

    He should be back in the station at8 .

  10. 你不联络消防局吗?

    Aren 't you gonna call the fire department ?

  11. 埃文:你在哪个消防局工作呢?

    Evan : What station do you work at ?

  12. 或许我们应该在消防局的人出现以前赶紧谈正事

    Maybe we should get this moving before the fire marshal shows up .

  13. 洛杉矶消防局证实,呼吁杰克逊的出诊。

    Los Angeles Fire Department confirmed that calls from Jackson 's house calls .

  14. 女孩们,消防局的人刚来了,

    Girl , the fire marshal just dropped by ,

  15. 我会告诉消防局的。

    Operator I 'll tell then fire department .

  16. 她惊慌的打手机到消防局。

    From her cell phone , she calls the fire department in a panic .

  17. 莱西市消防局稍后在推特上写道:没错。

    Lacey Fire Department later tweeted : Yes .

  18. 我曾是旧金山消防局第一批女消防队员。

    I WAS one of the first women in the San Francisco Fire Department .

  19. 他在消防局工作。

    He works at a fire station .

  20. 这是火灾,我要进去打电话给消防局。

    It 's a fire . I 'm going in to call the fire department .

  21. 我要为了消防局去跑趟腿

    I need to run an errand for the benefit at the firemen 's station .

  22. 纽约市消防局发言人戴尔表示:「我们担心的是煮饭、瓦斯罐和垃圾堆积等问题。

    Our concern is cooking , the use of propane tanks and garbage piling up .

  23. 加州消防局官员表示,其中三起火灾由无雨闪电引发。

    Cal . fire officials say three of the fires were sparked by dry lightning .

  24. 深井消防局也在兴建中,预计于一九九八年落成。

    The Sham Tseng Fire Station was also under construction and scheduled for completion in 1998 .

  25. 业务背景为大连市消防局日常消防监督管理各项业务。

    The operation background is the operations of fire control and superintend in Dalian fire bureau .

  26. 还是致电给消防局吧。

    Better call the fire department .

  27. 不久,高雄市消防局接报警后赶到,用救护车将卢送往医院。

    Soon , Kaohsiung City Fire Department received the alarm arrived by ambulance to the hospital Lu .

  28. 该系统会把发出紧急召唤的地址,传送往处理召唤的消防局。

    The system will transmit the address of an emergency call to stations responding to the call .

  29. 当你想用火来对付火的时候,永远记住消防局灭火时用的都是水。

    When tempted to fight fire with fire , remember that the Fire Department usually uses water .

  30. 伦敦消防局称,目前有354名女性消防员,占到职员总数的7.39%。

    The LFB says it currently employs 354 female firefighters -- 7.39 % of its operational workforce .