
  • 网络Algorithm and Data Structure;Algorithm and Structure;Arithmetic and Data Structure
  1. 由于系统使用mish-mash算法与数据结构,他不可能完全搞清楚整个软件之后来确定问题出在什么地方。

    Because the system was a mish-mash of algorithms and data structures , he was unable to fully understand the software in order to fix issues .

  2. ALL&算法与数据结构教学小语言

    ALL-A Little Language for Teaching Algorithms and Data Structures

  3. 泛型编程是一种新的编程思想,它基于模板技术,有效地将算法与数据结构分离,降低了模块间的耦合度。

    Generic programming is a kind of new idea based on template technology , which separates algorithms from data structures and decouples them efficiently .

  4. 生物特征识别领域已经存在的开发包大多只封装一套现成的算法与简单的数据结构,而其接口,一致性和可扩展性等性能往往不如人意。

    Toolkits for biometric information-processing usually have only one set of ready-made algorithms and simple data structure . The interface , consistency and scalability of performance of such toolkit are often unsatisfactory .

  5. 泛型设计是一种软件复用的方法,其目标是实现算法软件的设计与数据结构的分离.文章介绍了泛型设计方法的三大基石&概念、模型与强化,并分析了泛型设计的实用产品C++STL。

    Generic programming is a software reuse method , which aims to separate algorithm from data structure . In this paper , three footstones of Generic Programming i.e.concept , modeling and refinement are introduced , and a practical product of Generic Programming C + + STL is analyzed .