
  • 网络The Study of Second Language Acquisition;Studies in Second Language Acquisition;second language acquisition;sla;Second language Acquisition Studies
  1. 评述基于认知加工的第二语言习得研究

    Comments on the Study of Second Language Acquisition Based on Cognitive Processing

  2. 对第二语言习得研究中的某些全程性问题的理论语言学批评

    A Theoretical Critique Concerning Some Global Issues in the Study of Second Language Acquisition

  3. UG理论与第二语言习得研究

    UG Theory and SLA Research

  4. 自乔姆斯基提出语言习得机制,第二语言习得研究衍生出文化适应模式(AcculturationModel),监控理论(MonitorTheory),功能类型理论(Functional-typologicalTheory)等。

    Since Chomsky put forward the notion of Language Acquisition Device , Second Language Acquisition ( SLA ) research has given rise to theories such as Acculturation Model , Monitor Theory , Functional-Typological Theory and so on .

  5. 本文以第二语言习得研究领域具有广泛影响的Long的互动假设和Swain的输出假设为理论出发点,探讨了课堂互动在促进学习者语言发展中的作用。

    Having two influential hypotheses in the field of second language acquisition ( SLA ) - Long 's interaction hypothesis and Swain 's output hypothesis-as the theoretical point of departure , this article explores the role of classroom interaction in learner language development .

  6. 每一种数据分析方法对第二语言习得研究均有其独特的贡献。

    Each makes its unique contribution to second language acquisition research .

  7. 因此,第二语言习得研究随之迅猛发展起来。

    Therefore , the study of SLA develops very quickly .

  8. 浑沌理论视阈下的第二语言习得研究初探

    A Tentative Research on SLA in the Visual Threshold of Chaos Theory

  9. 习得过程的研究是第二语言习得研究的重要组成部分,目前国内关于趋向动词的研究主要集中在句型的习得顺序。

    Acquisition process is the important part of the SLA .

  10. 语音格局理论在第二语言习得研究上的应用

    The Application of Sound Pattern Theory in the Study of Second Language Acquisition

  11. 语际语用研究是第二语言习得研究中一个相对新的领域。

    The research on interlanguage is relatively new in second language acquisition research .

  12. 中介语研究在第二语言习得研究中占有重要的位置。

    Interlanguage ( IL ) study is an important branch in SLA enquiry .

  13. 第二语言习得研究:回顾与展望

    Retrospect and Prospect in Second Language Acquisition Research

  14. 汉语空论元的第二语言习得研究

    A Study on the Acquisition of Null Arguments in Chinese as a Second Language

  15. 错误分析与策略分析是第二语言习得研究中进行中介语研究的主要方法。

    Error analysis and strategy analysis are the main methods of doing interlanguage research .

  16. 第二语言习得研究主要关注过渡语知识如何发展。

    The major concern of second language acquisition research is with how interlanguage develops .

  17. 偏误分析一直是第二语言习得研究领域里的一个重要组成部分。

    The research on errors has been more discussed in the field of second language learning .

  18. 汉语作为第二语言习得研究中的学习者语言分析方法述评

    A Review on the Methods of Analyzing Learner Language in the Studies of the Acquisition of CSL

  19. 最初,第二语言习得研究的一个关键领域是语言输入与第二语言习得的关系。

    First , the key subject of SLA research lies in the relationship between input and SLA .

  20. 对语言学习环境的研究也已经成为第二语言习得研究中的一个极其重要的课题。

    Studies in language environment have been the most importance issue in the second language acquistion realm .

  21. 学习策略研究是第二语言习得研究领域的重大课题之一。

    The study of learning strategies is one of the most important parts of the study of SLA .

  22. 中介语变异向来是第二语言习得研究领域的重要课题。

    " Interlanguage Variation " has always been an important research subject in second language acquisition ( SLA ) .

  23. 自20世纪70年代以来,词汇习得研究逐渐成为第二语言习得研究领域里的一个热点。

    Since the 1970s , second language vocabulary acquisition has become an increasingly interesting topic of discussion for researchers .

  24. 第二语言习得研究告诉我们,有很多因素影响学习者第二语言习得效果。

    We know from the second language acquisition theory that many factors have effects on learners ' second language learning .

  25. 中介语化石化研究是目前第二语言习得研究的热点之一,但多限于语言结构方面,其理论的完整性仍有待探讨。

    The study on inter language fossilization has become an important area in second language acquisition with obvious practical significance .

  26. 在第二语言习得研究中,中介语语言能力历来就是一个难以准确界定的概念。

    In the field of second language acquisition research interlanguage competence still remains a concept which is difficult to define with accuracy .

  27. 语言水平与文化智商的关系近年来引起了跨文化交际学者与第二语言习得研究者的关注。

    The relationship between cultural intelligence and language proficiency has now been a major concern in intercultural communication and second language learning .

  28. 第二语言习得研究中的很多假说都围绕着理解和运用这两个主题。

    Comprehension and production are the two themes for which various hypotheses are proposed in second language acquisition ( SLA ) research .

  29. 作为第二语言习得研究中非常重要的一个研究领域,第二语言词汇习得与第二语言习得的其他领域都是紧密相连的。

    As a primary research area in second language acquisition , L2 vocabulary acquisition is closely related to all areas of L2 learning .

  30. 在以学习者为中心理念的影响下,第二语言习得研究中对学习者个体因素的研究不断深入。

    Influenced according to the learner-centered theory , the study on individual factors of learners in second language acquisition research is developing gradually .