
  • 网络the third profit source
  1. 降低物流成本是继增加销售和降低生产费用后的第三利润源泉。

    Reduce logistics costs is the third profit source after increase sales and reduce production costs .

  2. 先进的国外发达国家在不断改革经济发展方式的摸索中发现了作为第三利润源泉的物流。

    Advanced developed countries found logistics as the third profit source in the continuous exploration of the mode of economic development .

  3. 中国加入WTO对各行各业是机遇也是挑战,物流这个第三利润源泉的发展越来越受重视,而中国的物流企业处于发展阶段,尤其是在绩效管理方面,极待加强。

    Since China 's entry into WTO , there are many opportunities and challenges for every walk of life and of course the development of Logistics & the third profit headspring is being given more and more attention .

  4. 物流之为第三利润源泉的理由

    The Reasons for Logistics as " The Third Profit Headspring "

  5. 企业第三利润源泉凸现的经济学分析

    The Analysis of the Third Profit Source Appearing in Enterprises

  6. 现代物流是企业的第三利润源泉

    Modern Logistics : The Third Source of Enterprise Profit

  7. 物流已经成为企业在降低物资消耗,提高劳动生产率以外的第三利润源泉,在企业运营管理中具有极其重要的地位。

    Logistics plays an important role in the running and development of enterprises .

  8. 挖掘国企第三利润源泉的途径

    Approach to Digging Third Profit Source for State-owned Enterprise

  9. 制造业企业如何挖掘第三利润源泉

    How manufacturing Company to Develop the Third Profit Resource

  10. 现代物流在微观方面的定位是企业的第三利润源泉。

    Modern logistics become the source of the third profit in microcosmic aspect .

  11. 现代物流管理被西方经济学家称为企业的第三利润源泉。

    The Western economists called Modern Logistical Management The third profit source of enterprises .

  12. 国内外知名企业都十分重视物流管理,把物流作为企业第三利润源泉。

    Both domestic and overseas enterprises think logistics as the third source of profit .

  13. 供应链中的物流管理:企业的第三利润源泉

    The Logistics Management of the Supply Chain : the Third Profit Source of the Enterprise

  14. 物流作为一个新兴的朝阳产业,已成为第三利润源泉。

    The physical distribution takes an emerging sunrise industry , which has become the third profit fountainhead .

  15. 减少库存,降低库存成本,追求零库存是库存管理的中心与极点,也是企业第三利润源泉的重点所在。

    Reducing stock , decreasing inventory cost , and seeking to zero-inventory are final goals of inventory management .

  16. 物流作为第三利润源泉已越来越受到企业的重视。

    Logistics as the third source of the profit is becoming more and more important in the enterprise .

  17. 企业必须加强物流管理,真正挖掘出第三利润源泉。

    Enterprises must strengthen the management of physical flow , and truly unearth " the third benefit source " .

  18. 被称为第三利润源泉的物流产业,在今天呈现加速发展的趋势。

    The logistics industry which is regarded as the third source of profits shows accelerated development trend in nowadays .

  19. 物流被誉为第三利润源泉,物流业被认为是新的经济增长点。

    It 's praised to be the third source of profit and considered the new point of economic growth .

  20. 现代物流和供应链管理成为企业提高核心竞争力的第三利润源泉。

    The logistic and supply chain management becomes the third profit resource of elevating the core competition of the enterprise .

  21. 而物流作为当前经济领域之中的第三利润源泉,更受到人们的广泛重视。

    As " fountainhead of the third profit " in the economic domain , Logistics is now emphasized by people extensively .

  22. 在这一实际背景下,企业开始将注意力转移到从未受到足够重视的物流领域,并将其作为企业的第三利润源泉和获得核心竞争优势的渠道之一。

    So more enterprises begin to pay attention to the logistics which is regarded as the source of the third profit .

  23. 现代企业竞争的焦点逐渐转向有第三利润源泉之称的物流领域。

    The competition of modern enterprise is gradually focusing on logistics field which is called " the third source of profit " .

  24. 因此,对物流服务的要求也不断提高,物流被称作继生产与销售之后的第三利润源泉、降低成本的处女地。

    So Logistics is considered as " the third origin of profit " and " the virgin soil for decreasing cost " .

  25. 成本控制分析是减低费用、挖掘“第三利润源泉”的重要方面。

    The cost control and analysis is the key point to minimize the expense and excavate " the third profits source " .

  26. 而物流是降低成本的一个主要领域,它是企业的第三利润源泉。

    And the logistics is a main field of lowering costs , which is " the third profit source " of the enterprise .

  27. 近年来,国内外对企业第三利润源泉&物流十分关注,但仅限于宏观定性描述。

    Recently , the enterprises at home and abroad have focused on the third profits-Logistics . But it is mainly macro qualitative analysis .

  28. 物流如今成为公认的第三利润源泉,企业的竞争趋势也渐渐地转变为企业物流之间的竞争。

    Logistics now become recognized as a third source of profit , the competitive trends are slowly translate into the competition between enterprise logistics .

  29. 在二十一世纪,物流是企业的第三利润源泉,对物流的管理得到充分地重视。

    In the twenty-first century , logistics is the third profit source of enterprise . The logistics management is paid more attention to today .

  30. 现代物流作为第三利润源泉有巨大的发展潜力,将面临着前所未有的机遇和发展。

    As the " third profit source ", modern logistics has tremendous potential for development and will be faced with unprecedented opportunities and development .