
  • 网络profit and loss analysis;break even analysis;P&L
  1. 数学应该包含基础会计以及盈亏分析,不管怎样这都会令该课程变得有趣而与人息息相关。

    Maths should include basic accounting as well as profit and loss analysis , which would in any case provide a fascinating and relevant approach to the subject .

  2. 铁路运输成本是考核铁路企业经济效益、进行盈亏分析、经营决策和投资决策的重要依据;

    Railroad conveyance cost is the importance basis to investigate the economic performance , to proceed on profit and loss analysis , and to decide management decisions of railroad enterprise .

  3. 本文还借助盈亏分析方法,实行预装对伐区和运材子系统的作业的影响进行了定量分析,得到在既定木材生产条件下实行预装临界经济运距L0的计算公式。

    The quantitative analysis was made on cutting area and wood transportation by breakeven point analysis . The calculation formula of rational distance L_0was obtained .

  4. 盈亏分析在东方炼油厂的应用

    An Application of Breakeven Analysis to the Eastern Oil Refining Factory

  5. 工程动态盈亏分析及盈利目标控制

    On Dynamic Profit ability Analysis and Profit Goal Control for Construction

  6. 以费用和时间为变量作盈亏分析

    On analyzing gain and loss with the variables of cost and time

  7. 加油站油品盈亏分析

    An Analysis on Gain & Loss of Oil Products at Gas Station

  8. 在证明产量和成本后,进行盈亏分析。

    After the acquizition of output and cost , break-even analysis was followed .

  9. 汽车运输成本预测与盈亏分析数学模型

    Mathematic model of analyse of transportation cost forecast of trucks and profit loss

  10. 多品种生产盈亏分析的计算机算法

    Computer algorithm of breakeven analysis for multiple variety production

  11. 金矿石堆浸试验中用盈亏分析进行决策的简介

    Application of gain-loss analysis to decision making for gold ore heap leaching test

  12. 谈盈亏分析在黄金矿山选冶厂生产经营管理中的应用

    The application of profit-loss analysis in the management of ore-dressing plant of gold mines

  13. 文章介绍了根据时间变量,进行盈亏分析的计算方法。

    The calculating method used in the analysis is also introduced in the essay .

  14. 最后介绍了盈亏分析在变动预算中的应用。

    Finally , the application of breakeven analysis as a flexible budget device is introduced .

  15. 多品种产品的线性盈亏分析

    Linear Profit-loss Balance Analysis of Multi-assortment Production

  16. 河北省低平原地区主要作物农田水分盈亏分析

    An analysis of field-water budget of the main crops on the low plain in Hebei Province

  17. 对标价进行动态分析和盈亏分析,为投标决策提供依据。

    The dynamic analysis and profit analysis of the prices provides the basis for the quotation decision making .

  18. 山西省中部五大盆地主要作物农田热量、水量盈亏分析

    An analysis of field-heat and field-water budget of the main crops in the five basins in the middle of Shanxi Province

  19. 提出售冷量作为项目经济性的重要因素,可作为系统经济性盈亏分析的重要评价指标。

    The sale of cold proposed as an important factor in project economics , can be used as an important economic index of profit and loss for system .

  20. 本文从热电厂的盈亏分析入手,找出了最佳的盈亏平衡点,从而给出热价函数和电价函数,在一定程度上解决了热价制定难的问题。

    Optimal profit-loss balance point is got through the profit-loss analysis of thermal power plant . Heat price function and electricity price function has solved the problems in heat price determination to some degree .

  21. 根据盈亏分析理论,推导了最小经济油田储量规模的计算公式,计算了不同油藏类型的最小经济油田储量规模。

    The calculating formula of the reserve scale is derived and the reserve scale of minimum economic oilfield for different types of oil reservoirs is calculated according to the theory of gain and loss analysis .

  22. 着重进行了盈亏分析、负荷特性分析,从售电量、市场占有率、负荷率等方面阐述了差别电价对电力公司的利弊。

    Breakeven analysis and power load feature analysis are focused . It elaborates advantages and disadvantages of differential power price influencing power companies from such aspects as sold power quantity 、 market share 、 loading rate .

  23. 在获得大量信息的基础上,通过决策分析、盈亏分析和敏感性分析方法来确定北京供电工程公司的投标策略。

    Based on obtaining a great deal of accurate information , by means of decision analysis , gain and loss analysis and sensitive analytical methods , the bid strategies of Beijing Power Supply Engineering Corporation have been formed .

  24. 在管理审计中,可以应用盈亏分析法对被审计单位的生产经营计划或工程项目进行考核、评价,据以改善管理,提高经济效益。

    During the management and audit , profit and loss analytical method can be applied in checking , evaluating the manufacture prosecution plan or engineering items of the audited departments to improve the management and raise economic benefit .

  25. 本文从煤矿企业盈亏分析出发,通过比较使用机采设备前后的收益,提出了一种简单且不受当前煤价过低影响的评价机采设备经济效益的方法。

    Based upon the profit and loss analysis of coal mining enterprise and comparison of mine income before with that after using the mechanical coal mining equipment , A simple method of evaluating the economical benefit of mechanical coal mining equipment is presented .

  26. 本文在提出电销中心盈亏分析模型的基础上指出,提高人均新保保费和降低变动成本率可以从根本上提高经营管理水平,从而使经营绩效可持续增长。

    Based on the profit and loss analysis model , the author concluded that increasing the first year premium per capita and decreasing the variable cost ratio are the main ways to raise the management level and keep sustained growth of the business .

  27. 在此基础上,我们进行了农作物需水盈亏分析,并指出:在海河平原地区,冬小麦(400斤/亩)亏水290毫米左右,夏玉米(500斤/亩)亏水100毫米左右。

    It is found that in the Hai River plain , the winter wheat ( in the case of 400 Jin / Mu ) and the summer corn ( in the case of 500 Jin / Mu ) are short of water for 290 mm and 100 mm respectively .

  28. 利用具有强大数据处理能力的Excel软件,设计本量利分析模型,可以非常方便地进行盈亏临界分析、因素变动分析以及敏感分析。

    We can carry out the analysis of break even , factor vary and sensitive conveniently if we use the Excel software to design model of CVP analysis .

  29. 水分盈亏状况分析表明,带田冬小麦全生育期0~90cm上层土壤水分处于极度亏缺状况,灌水比不灌水处理水分亏缺程度更为严重,但不同生育期灌水的处理间水分亏缺差别极小。

    While harvesting soil water in 90 cm depth was in seriously deficient conditions for intercropping winter wheat , and irrigated treatment was more serious than that of no irrigation , but these deficiencies betWeen treatments that irrigated in different developing stapes hardly showed differences among them .

  30. 采油采气企业盈亏平衡分析

    Profit & loss Equilibrium AnaIysis to Oil and Gas Exploitation Enterprise