
  • 网络PCRD;Pacific Century;Pacific Century Regional Development
  1. 盈科拓展昨天在新加坡召开特别股东大会,会上,76%的少数股东对这笔交易投下了反对票。

    The sale was opposed by 76 per cent of the votes cast by minority shareholders of Pacific Century Regional Developments at a special meeting in Singapore .

  2. 李泽楷连同他在新加坡上市的控股公司&盈科拓展(PacificCenturyRegionalDevelopments)持有电讯盈科28%的股份,而中国联通是电讯盈科第二大股东,持有19.9%股份。

    Mr Li and his Singapore-listed holding company , Pacific Century Regional Developments , control 28 per cent of PCCW , while China Unicom is the company 's second-largest shareholder with a 19.9 per cent stake .

  3. 李泽楷全资所有的投资公司盈科拓展集团(PacificCenturyGroup)周一表示:(美国国际集团的业务)符合我们的投资哲学,即对高质量业务进行长期投资。

    Pacific Century Group , the investment vehicle wholly-owned by Mr Li , on Monday said : [ The AIG operation ] suits our investment philosophy of making long-term investments in quality businesses .

  4. 李泽楷盈科拓展还将向AIG支付2亿美元与该部门未来业绩相关联的附带收益和其他款项。

    Pacific Century Group expects to pay an additional US $ 200 million to AIG in carried interest and other payments linked to future performance of the business .

  5. 美国股权收购公司tpg-新桥(tpg/newbridge)此前曾提出,向少数股东每股支付0.30新元收购盈科拓展股票,使该公司退市。

    TPG / Newbridge , a US buy-out firm , has offered to take the company private by offering minority shareholders S $ 0.30 a share .

  6. 林孝华否认曾试图影响股东投票,也否认与前老板、盈科拓展副主席袁天凡(francisyuen)讨论过这种做法,尽管两人通过数次电话。

    Mr Lam denied he had tried to influence the shareholder vote or discussed doing so with Francis Yuen , his former boss and PCRD vice-chairman , in spite of multiple phone calls between the two men .

  7. 李泽楷是香港首富李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)的儿子,他与其新加坡上市控股公司盈科拓展(PCRD)控制着电讯盈科28%的股权,而中国联通是该公司第二大股东,持有19.9%的股权。

    Mr Li , son of Li Ka-shing , Hong Kong 's richest man , and Pacific Century Regional Developments , his Singapore-listed holding company , control 28 per cent of PCCW , while China Unicom is the company 's second-largest shareholder with a 19.9 per cent stake .

  8. 通过其新加坡控股公司盈科拓展(PCRD),李泽楷和中国国有合作伙伴将出价每股4.2港元,收购二者尚不拥有的52%股份。

    Mr Li , through his Singapore-listed holding Pacific Century Regional Developments , and his Chinese state-owned partner are offering HK $ 4.20 a share for the 52 per cent of PCCW they do not own .

  9. 政府公开与当时的盈科拓展就数码港计划交换的文书。

    The government released documents exchanged between the administration and PCCW on the Cyberport project .

  10. 各对冲基金正打赌短期内盈科拓展仍将是一家上市公司。

    Hedge funds are gambling that PCRD will remain a listed company in the short term .

  11. 盈科拓展表示,将支付3亿美元现金来完成这项交易。

    Pacific Century said it would pay $ 300m in cash at the closing of the deal .

  12. 盈科拓展的股东特别大会将于今年年内召开,以批准这起股权出售交易。

    The special meeting of PCRD investors will be called this year to endorse the sale of the stake .

  13. 其他银行人士猜测,李泽楷可能会考虑向盈科拓展的中小股东支付一笔补偿,帮助他们作出“正确”决定。

    Other bankers speculate that Mr Li might consider offering PCRD minority shareholders a compensation payment to help them make the " correct " decision .

  14. 7月份,梁伯韬和盈科(亚洲)拓展有限公司(PCRD)达成协议,收购后者所持电讯盈科23%的股权。盈科拓展是一家新加坡上市公司,李泽楷持有其75%的股权。

    Mr Leung agreed in July to buy the 23 per cent stake in PCCW owned by Pacific Century Regional Developments ( PCRD ), a Singapore-listed company 75 per cent owned by Richard Li .

  15. 李泽楷缺席投票,将电讯盈科的命运留给了意见分散的少数股东。这些少数股东控制着盈科拓展大约五分之一的股份。

    Mr Li 's absence from the vote left PCCW 's fate in the hands of a fractured group of minority shareholders who control about a fifth of its share capital .