
  • 网络Earnings management;Earning Management
  1. 新会计准则与IPO公司的盈余管理

    The New Accounting Standards and Earnings Management of IPO Firms

  2. 我国A股发行公司IPO前盈余管理的影响因素实证研究

    Empirical Research on Factors Influencing Earnings Management Prior to IPO in China 's A-share Market

  3. 这说明,采用EVA绩效评价体系会加剧上市公司管理者的盈余管理行为。

    This means company managers using EVA evaluation system will lead to earning management .

  4. IPO盈余管理问题一直是资本市场研究的热点议题之一。

    The IPO earnings management question has been one of capital market research hot spot subjects .

  5. 最终实证研究结果表明,真实盈余管理这一问题在创业板IPO前一年显著存在,需要相关部门加强监督和管理。

    The result shows us that real earnings management exist in the year before GEM IPO significantly .

  6. 另一方面,通过EVA的递延奖金账户,又可以减缓管理层的盈余管理行为。

    On the other hand , it can decrease management behavior of the surplus through delay-payment bonus account .

  7. 本文正是从制度因素视角,探寻IPO定价制度对不同所有制企业盈余管理的影响。

    This paper studies the influence of the changes in IPO pricing system on the earnings management in different ownership enterprises .

  8. 利用SPSS软件对样本数据进行多元线性回归分析和描述性统计,验证了微利上市公司存在盈余管理行为的假设。

    Sample data is analysised by using multiple linear regression analysis and descriptive statistics of spss software to verify the hypothesis .

  9. 第4章是对我国创业板上市公司IPO盈余管理理论分析并提出假设。

    The fourth part is that theoretical analysis of gem IPO earnings management of listed companies in our country and put forward the hypothesis .

  10. 各中小企业为了达到上市条件,扩大筹资规模,在IPO前会进行盈余管理。

    In order to meet listing requirements , expand the scale of funding , small and medium enterprises will make earnings management before IPO .

  11. 介绍盈余管理的概念,盈余管理的基本特征,盈余管理国内外的研究现状,盈余管理的策略和常见方法,盈余管理的效应。第三部分介绍ST长控资产重组事件。

    Part two - General Review : It introduces the concept , basic features , studying presence home and abroad , tactics and means , influence of earning management .

  12. 第5章是我国创业板上市公司IPO前盈余管理的实证研究,即本文的实证研究部分。

    The fifth part is our country the gem listed company , an empirical study of pre-IPO earnings management , the empirical research part of this article .

  13. 在这一背景下,本文从多方面分析,认为EVA绩效评价与盈余管理之间必然存在一定的相关关系。

    Under this satiation , this thesis analyzed from multiple aspects , and think there should be a correlation between EVA performance evaluation system and earning management .

  14. 鉴于以上情况,我们相信,通过对中国A股市场IPO公司盈余管理问题进行研究,对比其IPO前后的收益表现,必将发现一些不同的特点。

    In light of the above , we believe that the study of Chinese A-share market IPO earnings management company , as well as pre-and post-issue earnings performance will show some different characteristics .

  15. 鉴于管理层收购过程中的盈余管理行为会对上市公司的会计利润和相关财务数据产生重大影响,进而影响上市公司MBO的绩效研究。

    However earnings management during MBO will definitely influence the accounting profits and financial data of listed companies , therefore impacting the effects of MBO toward the performance of listed companies .

  16. 本研究对前人工作的不足之处进行了改进,更加系统而完整地验证了ST公司盈余管理的行为与特征,为投资者和政策制订者提供了更加有效的决策依据。

    The paper improved on the insufficiency of the previous research , and validated the earnings management of listed companies under special treatment more roundly , which makes the decision-making of investors and constitutors of policy more effective .

  17. 本章首先对主要解释变量进行了描述性统计和单变量分析。中位数检验的结果初步验证了本文的预期,即IPO企业在首次公开发行时实施了多种盈余管理方式。

    This chapter first carried on the descriptive statistics to the main explanatory variable , the average value check result had indicated initially the IPO enterprise implemented should count the earnings management and the real earnings management .

  18. 本文选取05和06年进行了股权分置改革的上市公司数据,按年份将其分为两个样本,运用修正的Jones模型对盈余管理的存在性进行回归分析。

    This article select he listed data of companies which make the reform in 2005 and 2006 , break the date into two samples , using the Jones models to perform a regression analysis on the existence of earnings management .

  19. 出于获取发行上市资格,操纵股票发行价格等目的,企业在IPO市场中具有盈余管理的动机,这不仅对投资者利益造成损害,也影响着资本的有效配置。

    For the purpose of qualifying for offering and listing and manipulating issue price , enterprises possess the motivation of earnings management in IPO market , which not only harms the interests of investors , but also affects the efficiency allocation of capital .

  20. 其次,笔者介绍了对关于盈余管理的相关内容,主要阐述盈余管理的内涵,还介绍基于管理层收购(MBO)的盈余管理的手段和动机,更详尽的对盈余管理的相关问题进行了阐述。

    The second part describes the relevant content of earnings management , including the conception of earnings management and management buyouts ( MBO ), the means and motivation of earnings management . There are more detailed issues of earnings management to be described .

  21. 分别从一级市场上市公司盈余管理的角度考察中小板上市公司股票IPO首日超额收益问题,同时立足于二级市场考察上市首日收盘价高于发行价原因。

    Markets respectively , from a perspective of earnings management small plates listed on the first day of IPO stock return over the issue , while the secondary market study based on the first day of listing the reasons for the closing price above the issue price .

  22. 以沪深两地截止2005年底的上市公司作为研究对象,采用Hollis等(2003)修正的截面Jones模型的方法REDCA(ROAinEstimationDiscretionaryCurrentAccruals),来衡量上市公司的盈余管理。

    In this article , taking listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen before end of 2005 as research object , uses Jones'section mode way REDCA ( ROA in Estimation Discretionary Current Accruals ) which was revised by Hollis in 2003 to measure the earnings management of listed companies .

  23. 认为价值评估要关注公司的盈余管理行为;

    Valuation needs to pay attention to the profit management behavior ;

  24. 对管理层收购中盈余管理采取必要的监督措施。

    To take necessary supervisory measures on profit management of MBO .

  25. 盈余管理与信息披露的博弈从未停止。

    The game of earnings management and information disclosure never stops .

  26. 公司盈余管理方法研究

    Research on the Accounting Methods of Earnings Management of Listed Companies

  27. 那么,创业板上市公司是否利用资产减值进行盈余管理?创业板上市公司在计提资产减值中存在哪些动机?这是本文要探讨的重点内容。

    So , GEM companies using asset impairment whether earnings management ?

  28. 盈余管理还能够减轻公司的资金短缺的压力。

    Earnings management can also reduce the pressure on cash-strapped company .

  29. 随着其控制权比例的增加,上市公司的盈余管理的规模上升。

    As the voting rights increase , earnings management increase .

  30. 盈余管理的类型、途径及实证研究方法的文献回顾

    Types of earnings management and the reviews for its empirical study methods