
  • 网络Profit Model;profitable model;business model;revenue model
  1. 利用品牌效应,加强与互联网合作,开发在线音乐盈利模式。

    Take advantage of brand effect to cooperate with the internet and develop online music business model .

  2. 随着零售业对外开放,我国大型连锁零售商已面临跨国零售的巨大威胁,如何改变不健康的盈利模式,通过自身实力的提升继而为最终顾客提供价值的方式盈利是摆在零售商面前的难题。

    With the opening up of retail industry , multinational retailers have been a tremendous threat for Chinese appliance retail market . Chain retailers should change unhealthy business model , improve its own strength and strive to create value for customers .

  3. R经济型酒店的盈利模式分析

    The Research about Profit Model of R Budget Hotel

  4. 在互联网的发展过程中,ASP将传统的外包服务与Internet很好地结合起来,有了比较清晰的盈利模式。

    In the course of the development of Internet , ASP combined traditional package service with Internet to get a clear profit model .

  5. 随着互联网应用技术发展,网络广告内容交易平台成为新的互联应用盈利模式,此类网站往往要同时承担大量用户的的web请求。

    With the development of web application , online advertising platform has become a new profitable way , which will undertake the web requests from a large quantity of users simultaneously .

  6. 健全的联赛盈利模式是CBA职业联赛成功的关键要素。

    The right payoff model is the key factor for CBA league success .

  7. 除非你对复杂难懂的广告技术非常感兴趣,否则,Facebook的盈利模式听起来相当无趣。

    Unless your exceedingly interested in the intricacies of advertising technology , there 's almost nothing interesting about how Facebook makes money .

  8. QFII进入中国的盈利模式分析及启示

    An Analysis on Earning Models of QFII in China

  9. 在我国目前的资本市场上,MBO有渐成盈利模式的趋势。

    Current Chinese capital market is seeing an increasing tendency of MBO developing into a new type of profit source .

  10. 富有成效的盈利模式能够使R经济型酒店在市场竞争中获得丰厚的利润。

    R Group gains a highly profit from the budget hotel marketing full of competition in the years , in which should be owed to the effective profit model they chose .

  11. 从盈利模式、价格策略、分销策略、市场策略和竞争策略等多方面阐述了PLC网络的运营模式。

    The management mode of PLC network is expatiated in detail from many aspects such as payoff pattern , price policy , distribution strategy , market resource and competition tactic .

  12. 本文还对R经济型酒店的盈利模式存在的标准化、运营成本控制以及利润源创新等问题进行分析并提出相应的对策。

    It was three issues what would influence the R budget hotel 's profit model : standardization , macro-cost controlling and profit point innovation . I analyzed the reason and put forward the countermeasure .

  13. 但国内外的诸多SNS网站,因经营模式和盈利模式模糊,而无形制约着其未来发展。

    However , many domestic SNS website , business model and profit model for fuzzy , while the invisible restrict its future development .

  14. 本文借鉴日本发展的经验,对我国B2C盈利模式进行分析和探索。

    Taking the Japanese developing experience for reference , this article makes an analysis and exploration of the Chinese model of B2C e-commerce profit .

  15. 它的盈利模式是向购买求职者信息和发布招聘广告的公司收取费用,和在LinkedIn一样。

    It would make money from companies paying for information about candidates and to post job ads , as they do on LinkedIn .

  16. 中国电子商务C2C拥有巨大的交易规模和用户数量,但盈利模式仍在探索中。

    Although China C2C e-commerce transaction is of considerable size with large user number , platforms are still exploring an appropriate profit model .

  17. 企业的复制过程,也是将企业DNA,即盈利模式、决策模式、组织结构和信息传导四大组成部分,传递给企业的新部门、子公司或连锁店的过程,从而实现企业的成长。

    Corporate gene replicating is the process to copy corporate DNA ( including profit earning and decision making pattern , organization configuration and information passing ) to new department , sub branch or chain store of the corporate and make it grows .

  18. 分析3G手机游戏盈利模式面临的问题,并从产业链的合作、产品和服务的设计、渠道推广及内容产品的质量而提出四个修正策略。

    Profit model of 3G mobile game problems , and cooperation from the industry chain , product and service design , marketing and content channels , the quality of products proposed four amendments to policy .

  19. 通过介绍Google、微软以及Yahoo等公司推出的新型网络地图服务,简单分析了未来网络地图服务的盈利模式。

    Based on the introduction to the new web map service provided by Google , Microsoft , Yahoo , etc , the paper analysed the payoff mode of the new web map service in the future .

  20. 分析手机游戏传统的付费方式中不合理的因素,找出我国手机游戏传统盈利模式发展艰难的原因。第三,3G手机游戏盈利模式及其条件。

    Analysis of mobile phone games in the traditional way of paying unreasonable factors , to identify the traditional profit model of cell phone game development difficult reasons . Third , 3G mobile game revenue model and its condition .

  21. 在盈利模式上,Google拥有备受称道的关键词广告,其搜索结果保持公正、客观;而百度则总结出竞价排名模式,为百度带来了大量的忠实客户和可观的利润。

    Regarding the profit pattern , Google has the widely praised " keyword advertising " and maintains its search result fair and objective ; while baidu developed the pattern of " sponsored search ", which has brought lots of loyal credits and profits .

  22. 赛事为核心的企业盈利模式研究了体育赛事公司的盈利模型和体育经纪人/经纪公司的盈利模式,并以NBA为案例,分析了NBA的产业链和盈利模式。

    In the profit model centred on competition , profit model of sport competition firm and profit model of brokerage firm are studied , and the value chain and profit model of NBA is analyzed as a case study .

  23. QFII制度将以其成熟的国际资本市场运作方式、先进的管理模式对中国证券市场在投资理念和盈利模式等方面产生积极影响。

    QFII regulation will positively influence the investment perspective and the pattern of making profit in China 's securities market with its mature way of operating and developed managing pattern in international capital markets .

  24. 第四章以信用卡盈利模式为基础构建其利润模型,并以该模型对Z行信用卡业务进行盈利状况评估,并采用数据指标对其盈利能力进行分析。

    Chapter four is based on the credit card business profit pattern to build its profit model , and evaluates the earning performance about the credit card business of bank Z through this model , and analyzes its profitability through some important financial indicators .

  25. 最后,尝试设计出经济适用房REITs模式,包括目标、思路、形式、结构、盈利模式等,以及模式运作的保障机制。

    Finally , an attempt was made to design affordable housing REITS models , including goals , ideas , form , structure and profit model , as well as mode of operation of the protection mechanism .

  26. 利润是盈利模式的核心,全面深入地分析3G手机游戏盈利模式利润源、利润点、利润对象、利润杠杆及利润屏障,以实现3G手机游戏利润最大化。第五,面临的问题和修正策略。

    Profit is profit model of the core , in-depth analysis of profit model 3G mobile phone games profit source , the profit point , profit targets , profit leverage , and profit barrier to maximize profits . Fifth , problems and modify the strategy .

  27. 评委点评:“我喜欢这种众包模式,但我不清楚它的运作模式和盈利模式。我的问题嘛?你们把这个点子卖给谁?怎样卖?”时代公司(TimeInc)的主席兼导演大卫o贝尔提出疑问。

    Judge 's critique : " I love crowdsourcing , but I 'm unclear how it works and how it pays . My question ? To whom do you sell this and how do you sell it ? " wondered David Bell , Chairman , gyro , and Director , Time Inc.

  28. 然后从发展历程、组织结构2个角度对SG公司的内部因素进行了分析,通过盈利模式分析和营运状况分析掌握了SG公司的发展现状,提出了制约SG公司发展的相关问题。

    After that , it analyzed SG company internal factors from development process and organizational structure , and mastered SG company development situation by the analysis of profit modes and operation status , and made related questions of restrict SG company develop .

  29. 而为了保证足够的赢利空间,校园SNS网站运营商可以采用以下几种盈利模式:精准化广告、网络游戏服务、软文营销与口碑推广、积极开发网络增值服务、与其他运营商合作。

    In order to ensure adequate profit space , the campus SNS website operators can use the following profit model : accuracy of advertising , online gaming services , software text marketing and word of mouth promotion , and actively develop value-added services network with other operators .

  30. 因此,盈利模式是企业经营和发展模式的核心内容。

    So it is the core of operation and developing model .